After a nice club ride to my favourite cafe today. On the way home i come up a big hill, which flatens off slightly and has some traffic lights at the top on the flat. I had a guy in a 4X4 up behind me close so i did my normal thing and turn around and look. The next set of traffic lights he has his window down and is shouting abuse at me. I pull up alongside and he is still shouting abuse. Threateing to knock my head off and calling me everything he can think of. I said there was no need for it. Its a two lane road and he wanted to turn right and there is a seperate section for it. So he moves in there, and as i go past he floors it, and cuts me up. I brake, swerve, look back and shoots down another road. Hes now pulled in and is waiting for me. He wasnt a big guy and i could of probably had him but i didnt want to find out. So i rode off and he then turns around. I can here him shouting still about what he is going to do so i speed off and go between cars. He nearly hits another car trying to get to me and i shoot back into Landgale Light Weights ad stand in there for a while.
Feeling two things at the moment, shook up and very peeved. I sort of want to go back out and go for a fast hard ride but dont want to meet him again. Wont be going out at same time again tomorrow and can hope someone in the club will be out that i could go along with. Its not really effected me much, but its just in case this guy is proper crazy and might be one of these people that will be looking out for me. I would stand out because i was in club kit.(but only abit

I found out that the reason i didnt get a time for the GNBR was because the tag wasnt within 1 foot from the floor. Stupid system

It was on ym seat post, and someone in charge even helped me to put it on and cut the ends of the cable ties off. Lots of people did this, and some people even had it in their jersey pockets so also didnt get a time. Never said it had to be within 1 Bit of a bad mood now, making me angry thinking about this guy. Maybe it would be a good thing if i saw him again
