Bar of soap or shower gel /liquid soap?

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Piemaster said:
I prefer bars for handwashing as most of the liquid ones dry my hands out. The anti-bacterial ones are by far the worst for it (and washing up liquids too.

For washing up liquids try ecover, much milder on the hands but still cleans perfectly.

For liquid handwash try Faith in Nature.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Bar of soap.

Palmolive or Imperial Leather

No shampoo - just rinse hair in clean water and dry.


Legendary Member
Night Train said:
Bar of Simple Soap for me. No colour, no purfume and easy to use.

Sorry to disabuse you but Simple products do contain some essential oils to improve the smell of the product, otherwise they would smell fatty, the soap especially. Not a perfume though in the accepted sense.

A bit like the Toilet Duck stick on.
If it can't kill the germs in the cage then what good is it in the rest of the toilet?:biggrin:

Unilever maintains that the toilet bowl is one of the cleanest places in most homes! It gets doused regularly with fresh water then dried quickly so apart from the need to clean off stains, the British love of toilet products is mostly founded on paranoia.
Liquid soap for me - I hate cracked up or soggy bars of soap. However, I do get the occasional breakout of eczema on my hands and then I use Simple Baby Cleansing Lotion to wash my hands (which incidentally is also the best moisturiser I have found and is usually on offer somewhere for 99p - lasts for ages)


Plax said:
Mr Plax is obsessed with the white bars of Imperial Leather and won't use shower gel (this is despite always getting some form of Lynx shower gel every christmas, he has started quite a collection).

I personally tend to use shower gel more. I take Radox 2 in 1 shower gel into work as you can use it to wash your hair as well so saves lugging shampoo and conditioner around.
If I use soap it'll be Dove or something from the body shop (their christmas cranberry one was lush). I have liquid soap in the bathroom and a bar of fairy soap in the kitchen.

Or as my seven year old calls it; Dave. Long standing family joke that we never tire of.

Wife uses some cheap soap bar which I hate as it has such an acrid smell. Kid use Dave and I use whatever liquid shower gel is going cheap in Lidl. For various reasons if I'm at home I end up washing my hands 10-20 times a day so can get eczema pretty badly. So I use a lot of Diprobase for preventative reasons.


Legendary Member
ChrisKH said:
Or as my seven year old calls it; Dave. Long standing family joke that we never tire of.

That's funny; we have a long-standing family joke about an AA man who my wife thought was named Dove!

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
gary r said:
it seems to me that shower gel/liquid soap has taken over from the good old bar of soap,a bar of lifeboy or Pears seemed to last months!!! & if you got it in your eyes it was agony!!I remember my Mum using a bar of soap on my dads shirt collars before they went in the wash.My preference is for liquid soap,anyone still use bars of soap?:sad:

yes, I do. I don't like liquid soap at all.

Night Train

Maker of Things
Globalti said:
Sorry to disabuse you but Simple products do contain some essential oils to improve the smell of the product, otherwise they would smell fatty, the soap especially. Not a perfume though in the accepted sense.
That's ok. Soap smelling of soap I don't mind. Soap smelling of tea tree, lemons, gingerbread and pigswill, feline musk, bull semen or whatever, I'm not so keen on.

Globalti said:
Unilever maintains that the toilet bowl is one of the cleanest places in most homes! It gets doused regularly with fresh water then dried quickly so apart from the need to clean off stains, the British love of toilet products is mostly founded on paranoia.
I figure as much. Mine just gets a good wipe around each day and is fine.
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