Was that the quickest flounce in history?
All good bro just wanted to take my words back and show how unhealthy and weak vegans are.
Was that the quickest flounce in history?
All good bro just wanted to take my words back and show how unhealthy and weak vegans are.
The thing is about veggie and veganism... is that you just can't re-create the taste of a bacon sarnie...without bacon. Banana Sarnies, yeah not bad...but it's not bacon is it?
Wow when you honestly think bacon is the best tasting thing ever i suggest you open your eyes and come out of your little box and explore some foods. Whenever i hear someone saying bacon is the best thing i just facepalm hard because there are just so much better things out there.
Whatever you say, killing other beings who have as much as right to live on this planet as we do is wrong. Next time dont cry about the car exhaust pollution you are breathing in road biking when supporting factory farming you are causing 100x times more pollution.
You might have a point.Whatever you say, killing other beings who have as much as right to live on this planet as we do is wrong.
I eat meat, I eat fish, I eat poultry, I eat veggies, I eat fruit... therefore I explore the food eating thing a lot more then you do...
I'll eat one of your family members lets see how funny it will be. Hope you see yourself how pathetic you really are. And you are staff? Lol well goodbye im done with this forum haven't seen so many ignorant people in one place.
By ignorant you mean people who aren't instantly converted to your view after watching a few youtube videos. I've watched a lot of DR videos, I've read most of the books he recommends. I also read books and articles by authors with different views to his, yours and mine. That makes me incredibly ignorant?
Importing massive amounts of seasonal fruit by air freight from far away places is obviously a great way of doing things. Living off large amounts of internationally imported fruit is the most destructive way of living off plant food. The Starch Solution is absolutely right when it says all successful human civilizations were starch based. The crops are easy to grow en mass locally and also store. Locally grown is the obvious way for the eco minded. This is why my family has a share in a community harvest. While I'm on the subject of the starch solution (I realise I'm the only one on this subject but it's relevant to the current topic IMO) I have the benefit of being married to a doctor of classical civilisations. The "success" of all starch based civilizations doesn't equate to successful health in the way Dr McDougall implies. It does in some cases but certainly not all. It suited those in power, both political and those with money and influence from the food trade (a lot like today then) but the health od the masses was not good to say the least. Again just like the citizens of the current financially successful civilizations. We just have better sanitation and healthcare.
Being vegan can be an incredibly healthy way to live. Vegan athletes show it can be optimum when done right (Scott User10571 anyone?) And vegan bodybuilders prove protein is no issue. I won't be swayed by anything you posted.
I'd like to point out that i haven't been vegan for my whole life, so i have eaten all of those things that you mentioned.
If you made some intelligent posts, you might get more intelligent answers!First intelligent answer i have had so far, thank you.
Not that intelligent, you quoted it before I managed to edit out all of my typos!First intelligent answer I have had so far, thank you.
Have you had your vitamin B12 / Insulin injection today?First intelligent answer i have had so far, thank you.
Have you had your vitamin B12 / Insulin injection today?
I hope by "veggies" you mean vegetables and not vegetarians. A lot of my friends are treehuggers!I eat meat, I eat fish, I eat poultry, I eat veggies, I eat fruit... therefore I explore the food eating thing a lot more then you do...
Im sure by now he has found an alternative to these shots, Almond milk has B12 and tastes 100x better than cows milk, i suggest you try it just for the taste of it. And Garz what is so funny to you? Lol keep laughing i bet DR would whoop you in a bike race.