I believe and think are not based on much fact then. Eating 20 in a day will not be of much benefit either. A balanced diet is better advice, spouting fruits cannot make you fat is again poor advice.
'This guy' could have a rare genetic defect and drop down dead through another biological imperfection even though he thinks the 40 a day is going to see him to 100+...
The science connected with these assertions (the video included) is at best suspect. Where glycogen is stored is fairly basic nutrition as is the information regarding the nutritional value of dates and bananas, as for the ideal balance between fructose and glucose in dates being all that is needed as an energy source this is unscientific BS.Well i believe that eating large quantities of fruit will have more benefit, okay maybe i was too quick to say you need atleast 5 but still i think people should eat way more fruits than we are doing right now. 1 banana just wont cut it. I eat 20 in one day.
The science connected with these assertions (the video included) is at best suspect. Where glycogen is stored is fairly basic nutrition as is the information regarding the nutritional value of dates and bananas, as for the ideal balance between fructose and glucose in dates being all that is needed as an energy source this is unscientific BS.
I am reminded of that woman who walked the length and breadth of Britain eating only carrots.
I never said Banana and Dates is the only things you need, im just saying eating them in large quantities is good for you. You CAN live on bananas and dates only but that's not the point. Eat any kind of fruit you want and as much as you want, and some veggies if you wish. Judge by results not theory.
A balanced diet is good for you, too much of the same thing is not. Too many banana's and your potassium level is going to be so high you are going to be on the kharzi all day...
''Too much of th same thing is not good for you'' Maybe you scroll up a little and watch the video ''How much fruit is too much?'' . Answers your question. Oh by the way you would have to eat 400 bananas in 30 seconds to get the lethal amount of potassium since potassium exits your body so quickly
I didn't say too much fruit, I said too much of the same thing in this instance banans's and who mentioned potassium death ? I said " Too many banana's and your potassium level is going to be so high you are going to be on the kharzi all day" ...
Which isn't a known symptom of hyperkalemiaI didn't say too much fruit, I said too much of the same thing in this instance banans's and who mentioned potassium death ? I said " Too many banana's and your potassium level is going to be so high you are going to be on the kharzi all day". This would back up your statement of leaving the body quickly, however in this instance from the rusty sheriffs badge.