Obviously an Aubergine
Just looked it up: "Pillock" is apparently referring to gentlemen's parts and comes from a Swedish word for... um that.
Careful now..
That's dangerously close to reeling in you-know-what puns
Just looked it up: "Pillock" is apparently referring to gentlemen's parts and comes from a Swedish word for... um that.
I think the current situation probably always was and certainly is a lot les simple and more nuanced than a binary case of a "power imbalance" or men "having the upper hand" in a public discourse. I certainly haven't experienced that. I do feel that assuming a "power imbalance" could be a very convenient way for bad actors to control the public discourse.
I think if we are going to say a certain joke or statement is "offensive" when it refers to one group, then it would be offensive to all groups; if it's fine to use a certain brand of humour with reference to one group, then it should be fine in the case of any group.
My concern again is the assumption that it's fine when it refers to members of certain groups, because that group is allegedly "more powerful" having power because of being part of that group, because that can lead to a society no-one wants to live in, well, except those who actively advocate for that.
I think I may have exceeded my monthly quota for the word "group" in that paragraph.
I think it would be fair to say it's an interpretation of what you are seeing, as is mine. We don't disagree on what we see, but we may disagree on the reasons and where the power lies.
Either way I was thinking of "theory" as in "critical theory" or "intersectional theory" as I was seeing echoes of its ideas about power imbalances in what you were saying. Indeed, its founders and influencers advocate(d) the solutions I mentioned.
Careful now..
That's dangerously close to reeling in you-know-what puns
Who'd have thought that a slightly odd looking pussy (oh dear) could spark this train of philosophical discourse.
Too much for me on a Friday night - the weekend beckons...
Who'd have thought that a slightly odd looking pussy (oh dear) could spark this train of philosophical discourse.
Too much for me on a Friday night - the weekend beckons...
And it's generally male on male..
So to speak..
Oliver Postgate was, how can I put it, not exactly a conservative.
Sometimes folk should just sit down on their Fanny’s and keep quiet.
Point of order..
Why do our magnificent lady parts, so often get used as a slur against people (often chaps) who really aren't very nice..
It seems a deeply unfair comparison ..🙄
And it's generally male on male..
So to speak..
But the worst of the insults against chaps, seems to be invoking lady parts..
Oh my..
And all this on the 'family freindly' forum..
Will no one think of the chillldrrrennn 😱
Dickheads spouting bollocks always make pricks of themselves! self-gratification artists!
But no C word huh?? 🤔
Because if we didn't use it, then a lot of us would never see one.