Bagpuss Had It Right

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self serving virtue signaller
What are we discussing now?

I'm confused. :unsure::scratch:

Ceci n'est pas une discussion
Shouldn't we do that anyway? Posting on a public forum is not the same as chatting with friends where, due to knowing your audience, you can be fairly certain how a comment will be received. It's not PC gawn mad, it's just good etiquette.
That's a fine line though, isn't it?

And when you say "public forum", it is actually a very small slice of the public that read it. They're not all my mates, but we're not broadcasting to the whole world.
And it's not the same as a public figure reading a scripted statement. We need some perspective. (Omnes: fat chance!)
Funnily enough last week a colleague described her forward planning for an event as "my version of putting a towel on the deckchair" whth a grin in my direction. I'd so completely forgotten that one that it took a few seconds to figure it out.

@steveindenmark: I forgot to add, my German colleagues and I are the same as yours; Germans have a cracking sense of humour a lot of the time. My annoyance is more with British people in the UK who hear that I live and work here then immediately start a fawlteyesque litany of all the old stereotypes, from goose-steps to silly accents.

I'm not sure if it's more annoying that they think it's acceptable, or that they think they're the first one to come up with the "joke".


self serving virtue signaller
I still think it's a wind up.

News just in - mystery solved. Bagpuss was kidnapped and account hacked by troll notorious for spreading dissent amongst the good British people.

OK, now I do feel sorry for Bagpuss :sad:
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