Ride It Like You Stole It!
- Location
- South Manchester
Bacon butties tomorrow morning. Yummmm
Going for pancakes here !
Bacon butties tomorrow morning. Yummmm
Warbies toasty was just too big for my toaster. I googled the problem and many others have the same problem.
Nor is it in any way shape or form a bacon butty.The bacon butty that Elvis favoured was called a Fool's Gold Loaf.
It's not quite my cup of tea.
Nor is it in any way shape or form a bacon butty.
Ok if it's a butty:-
I also like the same in a baguette - a 4 inch segment, preferably of a fresh baguette with a bit of crispness.
- 2 slices of cheap white bread. I tend to prefer a Kingsmill
- Butter the bread liberally
- 4 slices dry cure back bacon. I quite prefer Oak Smoked these days, but unsmoked is also acceptable as long as it's dry cure. Medallions are no good - they tend to have an absence of flavour due to the lack of fat,
- Grill the back bacon - or fry (no oil, the bacon will provide its own). The fat should be cooked and very slightly crisp. If frying, this may require some side work.
- Place the bacon on one side of the sandwich overlapping each tail with a medallion.
- Place the other slice of buttered bread on top.
- Taste heaven. Use a dollop of ketchup on the plate as a dipper if needed.
It's a flippin loaf cut in half, defiled and degraded. Oh the humanity. Plus it's American so the bacon will be rubbish.It's enclosed by bread and contains a pound of bacon. OK, it's been defiled by jelly and peanut butter but it is some kind of BB isn't it?
It's a flippin loaf cut in half, defiled and degraded. Oh the humanity. Plus it's American so the bacon will be rubbish.
Plus - bacon butty = about 450 calories
Fools gold loaf = about 8000 calories. It cost Elvis the equivalent of $267
Yes, North American bacon is pretty pitiful.
I thought they had the same bacon as us? (Hence muricans calling back bacon "Canadian bacon")?What the Canadians call bacon is beyond abomination.
I thought they had the same bacon as us? (Hence muricans calling back bacon "Canadian bacon")?