I was told I couldn't have any by medical types, but Mr Wafflycat wasn't listening to them. What I thought was a bad case of trapped wind turned out to be our son.
I'm thoroughly glad I had him: I've loved motherhood. BUT, it's not for everyone. Unlike being a grandparent/auntie/uncle-type, you can't give them back at the end of the day or when they are being a PITA. I can say that being a mother has brought me great joy.
My working *career* has been reduced to nada in reality. For me, this is fine, as it was the choice of self & Mr Wafflycat and it's been a combination of full-time motherhood and running own business with me doing it part-time from home. It's worked for us, but it has limited what I've felt able to do and still be a decent mother to my son.
Every woman I've met who is *supposed* to 'have-it-all' in terms of career and kids, either is not being entirely truthful about the career and/or has little sh*ts for offspring and life is not as rosy as painted. Having offspring means compromise, compromise, compromise. You can't put what you want first, you have to put the requirements of the offspring first as they grow up. I'm now at the stage where my son is adult & left home (at university), so Mr Wafflycat & I have more time to ourselves and it's wonderful as it's different to having to always put the offspring first.
Whatever life throws your way, grab it with both hands and make the best of it - after all, we've only got one lifetime to do it in and that may or may not include having kids.