H and S (well, the Buildings Department) have decreed that one office in our attic suite of rooms can no longer be used as an office, because the fire exit from it requires the user to be 4 foot tall (or capable of stooping), slimish and happy to emerge onto a roof, and then back in through an even smaller door and down out of another part of the building. It's the best, most fun fire escape I've ever seen. Like something out of Hogwarts. But it's been condemned as a fire exit, which leaves this room more than one room away from the other way out (the normal entrance), and so, it can't be an office. They may let us use it as a storeroom, but we'd have to promise not to do anything sneaky, like spend more than five minutes in at a time or something.
Mind you, I'm surprised we can use the space up there at all. The first room you come to, at the top of the stairs, contains a simultanous low beam and trip hazard (the trip hazard being the corresponding beam in the floor). There's a sort of natural selection in that most of the people who work up there are short...
And when you come down the stairs, the door at the bottom opens outwards, and then you go down a step, so sometimes students who don't spot the door (White painted wood in a white painted wall) sit on the step and get a door opening in their back... The joys of medieaval buildings. We'd like to put a hinged book case over the door, to make it really secret. Most people have no idea where our little attic is!
Back to the OP - I expect most of these folk we condemn for triviality would think some of our discussions about the finer points of bikes were pretty dull...