At the desk opposite mine

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New Member
Regardless, the panel thought someone else was more suited. Unless of course the post wasn't filled, in which case f*ckem.

If you get the opportunity to work in NZ FM, take it. Better luck next time.


If the rules are still the same as they were five years ago, being a university lecturer gets you into New Zealand with permanent residency. I don't think I'd be coming back to Blighty...

The north Island has a much kinder climate than the rather chilly south*, but since you're used to Newcastle, I don't expect that matters.

*I particularly liked Tauranga


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
NickM said:
But you've been on the radio ;)

Well, I've been on the radio, but I don't think two sentences on You and Yours is going to bulk out my CV much...

My suspervisor has been looking at my MSc again to use the data in an article, and has discovered that the site I analysed had a really really low ratio of pig. I mean I knew that already, but plotted against other sites of the period, it's a whopping outlier.

And no matter how many times he tells me that he thinks this is part of pattern for this part of the country at the time (no woodland, and pigs are best kept in woodland), I can't help thinking I must have wrongly identified hundreds of pig bones...

I like the squab in a box, but I'd want some ketchup with it.... Neat trick with the sunglasses though, I shall remember that if I ever find a distressed nestling. Unless it's a cuckoo, or it'll try and push itself out of the nest...
NickM said:
When you go for job interviews, do you insist on talking about pigeons?

I just wondered...

no, but if the subject crops up.

as i sit scouring job ads from a variety of sources... and then filling in applications... the only living thing i'm likely to see is the pigeons on the roof opposite.
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