At last a challenge to Big Pat

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The Borough
What is there to challenge? I suppose he could try and find something but all the debate was whether he would be allowed to stand. Since he lost anyway, seems to me that this should now be done and dusted. I saw nothing in Cookson's campaign which was illegal and Fat Pat campaigned as if he would be nominated.
Procedurally there can be nothing he challenges on - he was always just trying to get his name on the ballot, which Cookson accepted in the end.

There was an allegation that one of Cookson's lobbyists offered the Greeks financial assistance if they voted for Cookson though. The ethics committee declined looking into this as there was not enough time. I wonder what the true story was there.
What is there to challenge? I suppose he could try and find something but all the debate was whether he would be allowed to stand. Since he lost anyway, seems to me that this should now be done and dusted. I saw nothing in Cookson's campaign which was illegal and Fat Pat campaigned as if he would be nominated.

he is a slimy character, never give him the benefit of the doubt. it should be done and dusted, but until phat steps away and hands over the keys to the office, i'm not trusting him.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Procedurally there can be nothing he challenges on - he was always just trying to get his name on the ballot, which Cookson accepted in the end.

There was an allegation that one of Cookson's lobbyists offered the Greeks financial assistance if they voted for Cookson though. The ethics committee declined looking into this as there was not enough time. I wonder what the true story was there.
There was also a St Lucia allegation but it had all the hallmarks of a smear campaign.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford


Just so long as he sticks by this (quote from BBC this morning - before result announced)
Asked what his first action as the new president would be, Cookson said: "Getting on the phone straight away to the World Anti-Doping Agency to get under way a process that can eliminate those problems from the past, learn those lessons and make sure that we don't repeat those mistakes again."

And should such a process raise fresh questions about individuals' behaviour, Cookson said there would be no immunity from prosecution.

"If someone's done wrong, nobody's immune from due process," he said. "Absolutely not. If people have done dishonest things, that will be put in the hands of the appropriate authorities."
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Quoted in the Telegraph: “My first priorities as president will be to make anti-doping procedures in cycling fully independent, sit together with key stakeholders in the sport and work with Wada to ensure a swift investigation into cycling’s doping culture."


Good. Let's hope things work out. I'm certainly not ready to believe 'things can only get better'... but things certainly couldn't have got much worse. The second thing he should do is turf out Hein Verbruggen and make sure his malign influence is gone from the UCI.


Good. Let's hope things work out. I'm certainly not ready to believe 'things can only get better'... but things certainly couldn't have got much worse. The second thing he should do is turf out Hein Verbruggen and make sure his malign influence is gone from the UCI.

Hear, hear!

I wasn't as close to cycling in the nineties as I am now, but reading some of Walsh's work at the moment just serves as a reminder of how badly Verbruggen and McQuaid handled matters doping. Complete clean out required - plus more funding on anti-doping as well.


The Borough
Travis Tygart speaks:

"USADA welcomes cycling’s vote for a new and clean future. The outcome of the UCI election sends a powerful message that sport leaders who fail to fully protect the rights of clean athletes and the integrity of their sport will be held accountable. The UCI tried to obstruct our investigation into doping in cycling at every turn, and then after the release of our reasoned decision the previous leadership failed to take necessary and decisive action to fully clean up the sport. The election of a new UCI President who is committed to transparency and a new direction, is a monumental moment for the sport and demonstrates that when clean athletes stand up for their rights they will be heard.

We are confident that as President, Mr. Cookson will take the decisive action needed, so that cycling can truly unshackle itself from the past and pursue a clean culture for future generations of cyclists."
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