Yes, but I've heard you do live in a caravan.I have an alibi ... I don't speak Irish
Yes, but I've heard you do live in a caravan.I have an alibi ... I don't speak Irish
No, just the one big welly.Do Daleks wear wellies?
Thanks, These days copper is worth £4.00a kg on the scrap market, although the UK market Is being shut down, any decent gipo site has a smelter that bulks it up and sends it off to India in a 20ft contauner.If it helps read some of these. http:/is being closed down,;&gs_rn=1&gs_ri=hp&cp=23&gs_id=1v&xhr=t&q=copper wire thief burnt&es_nrs=true&pf=p&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&oq=copper wire thief burnt&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41018144,d.d2k&fp=b626e77c3d9f15de&ion=1&biw=800&bih=485&bs=1 Laughter is the best medicine!
Thanks, These days copper is worth £4.00a kg on the scrap market, although the UK market Is being shut down, any decent gipo site has a smelter that bulks it up and sends it off to India in a 20ft contauner.
And Bedfordshire.Hertfordshire is good because it keeps the riff-raff out of Buckinghamshire.
Thanks for the kind wishes everyone. The good/bad news is that I don't have a nice bruise to show off, even the small cuts are doing their best to fade already. Work told me to take the day off today, so I'm just chilling out
I'm just chilling out