Yes, but I've heard you do live in a caravan.I have an alibi ... I don't speak Irish![]()

Yes, but I've heard you do live in a caravan.I have an alibi ... I don't speak Irish![]()
No, just the one big welly.Do Daleks wear wellies?
Thanks, These days copper is worth £4.00a kg on the scrap market, although the UK market Is being shut down, any decent gipo site has a smelter that bulks it up and sends it off to India in a 20ft contauner.If it helps read some of these. http:/is being closed down,;&gs_rn=1&gs_ri=hp&cp=23&gs_id=1v&xhr=t&q=copper wire thief burnt&es_nrs=true&pf=p&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&oq=copper wire thief burnt&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41018144,d.d2k&fp=b626e77c3d9f15de&ion=1&biw=800&bih=485&bs=1 Laughter is the best medicine!![]()
Thanks, These days copper is worth £4.00a kg on the scrap market, although the UK market Is being shut down, any decent gipo site has a smelter that bulks it up and sends it off to India in a 20ft contauner.
And Bedfordshire.Hertfordshire is good because it keeps the riff-raff out of Buckinghamshire.
Thanks for the kind wishes everyone. The good/bad news is that I don't have a nice bruise to show off, even the small cuts are doing their best to fade already. Work told me to take the day off today, so I'm just chilling out![]()
I'm just chilling out![]()