Assaulted by a burglar at work.

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My Armchair
Glad you're OK TVC :hugs:

We've had a few incidents where I work recently of this kind of blatant thieving, last one was similar to yours where one of the management spotted 2 blokes in Hi-viz walking round the stores, thankfully they left when challenged as it was on a quiet shift with not too many people about for support.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Some thieving gits broke into one of our sites recently and ripped out all the wire they could find from around the site, from the sub-station, machinery, etc., etc. - the sparky that replaced it all said they would've got a few quid for it as scrap for what little was taken, huge inconvenience though.

Oh yeah, glad you're ok btw.

And picture of the shiner (when it appears) in this thread or it didn't happen.
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Über Member
Sorry to hear of your assault.

I don't know on what basis people seem to have so much faith in the Police catching the perpetrators. I for one have zero confidence in the Police.
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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Thanks. I won't dwell on it after today, I know it wasn't personal, they don't know me, they just lamped some bloke as far as they are concerned.

That's what they think. They don't know, you're a member of the Tea? thread. They now have folk after them in York, Manchester, London, Somerset and other Bumpkinshires, and India.

And Wols can be very dangerous!

All the best TVC, you and Lullabelle should treat yourself to a slap up (geddit?!) dinner to help get over it.


Sorry to hear of your assault.

I don't know on what basis people seem to have so much faith in the Police catching the perpetrators. I for one have zero confidence in the Police.

I have no doubt that CID will know these two, one had a very distinctive facial feature, it's proving it that's always the problem. These scroats know exactly how the law works and what they need to do to ensure there is not enough evidence available for a court case.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Some thieving gits broke into one of our sites recently and ripped out all the wire they could find from around the site, from the sub-station, machinery, etc., etc. - the sparky that replaced it all said they would've got a few quid for it as scrap for what little was taken, huge inconvenience though.

If only more of them got fatally electrocuted doing it!
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Night Train

Maker of Things
Glad you are not more seriously hurt TVC. :hugs: to you and Lullabelle.

I spoke to my regular scrap metal man last time I was there. He told me that they don't hold cash on site anymore and can get in trouble with the police if they have any quantity of cash on their person, even for personal use. All their payments for metals bought are transacted via debit card refund.
He said he can tell the scrotes with stolen metal as they all arrive with ID, domestic bills and shiny new debit cards in random names while carrying a rucksack stuffed with copper. He just refuses to deal with anyone that isn't a regular anymore.
He reckons the larger scale thefts don't even go through the UK scrap yards as they are just containerised and sent abroad.
All the best TVC, just move on mate and don't let if affect you; like you say it wasn't personal.

All the best whatever the outcome, with the police I find that however keen they often seem, the net result is that they usually fail miserably, sadly.
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Night Train

Maker of Things
It was a good thing there were others at work to give chase.

One time I was working a night shift and saw, on the CCTV, someone breaking into one of the company vehicles.
I went out to challenge/scare him off. As I confronted him he pushed past me and ran off down an alley with the stereo from the car. I gave chase, as I had done so a few times in the past, but part way down the alley he stopped running. He turned to face me with a 'Come and have a go then!' look. I decided to call it a day and go back to the office.

I haven't chased a thief, in the dark, since.


I've been in a similar situation. Well, quite different really. But, also, ..quite ..similar.

I was stabbed after being mugged. Absolutely needless and wanton act of violence. Didn't do him and his two mates any good at all. Police caught the one who stabbed me and he went to prison. He stabbed someone else whilst in on remand (if that's what you call it) before the trial. Probably means (considering his attitude in court) he's still in jail now, 4 or 5 years later. What a fool!

I don't think it's worth the effort to try and reason out why the idiot hit you, as it was senseless - other than 'he, probably, comes from a violent background and hasn't the wherewithall to break away, the poor sod.'

Glad you're alright if a bit shaken up. I was too.

My advice to you, TVC, is to carry on being a decent bloke and making the world a better place by example - and to embellish the story - a gang of armed villains against the last man standing sort of thing. :smile:
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