Obviously an Aubergine
Sounds like you might be onto a solution with the different crank lengths there.It is significant and definitely due to bone length. If I stand up straight in front of a full length mirror I can see my pelvis tilting down from right to left and my shoulders sloping the other way.
I haven't had it measured but I'm sure that it well over 1 cm. I just tried an experiment with a couple of diaries. I stood with the foot of my shorter leg standing on one diary. That felt more comfortable than with the foot directly on the floor. (My usual lower back and shoulder/neck discomfort was lessened.) I tried a thickness of two diaries and that was definitely an overcompensation. The best thickness was ~1.4 diaries worth (I opened the second to about 40% of its pages.) That total thickness was 1.3 - 1.4 cm.
I've noticed in lots of photos that I often raise the heel of my left foot to try and stand more upright. That is done entirely unconsciously...
I've tries an extra insole and that didn't make much difference. I then put 2 extra insoles in but my foot was then too tight in the shoe so I gave up on that idea.
When I used to use Look pedals, I shimmed the left cleat by about 1 cm. That definitely helped. I now use mountain bike style SPD pedals and shimming that type of cleat isn't good because the cleat ends up sticking out from the protective tread on the sole of the shoe.
On one of my bikes I broke the left crank. I replaced it with a spare one from my junk box and noticed that I was slightly more comfortable on the bike. The replacement crank turned out to be 170 mm in length, as opposed to 175 mm for the original. It would be good to try putting a shorter crank on my best bike.
I often tend to point the toes down on my left foot a little when pedalling. I have the saddle height set for my longer leg but can't change it to experiment because the post is seized in the frame!
It's a good plan as a tilted pelvis can lead to a scoliosis in the spine, or general back, shoulder, or neck pain.
If you lie down with your bum against the wall and your legs extended up it you could get someone to mark where your heels reach to, then you'll know the discrepancy in leg length more accurately.