Not brave at all, although you're comment in the other thread was given slightly tongue in cheek, the reaction to it was a bit, well I can't actually come up with the correct word, but it was just a bit "something" but then you both got a bit defensive so I wasn't going to jump in to try to calm the waters.
Agreed it would be good to see more not-men join the forum, it's a strange place at times, both the Internet & Cycle Chat, I have to say I'm mainly on car forums where almost exclusively it is 100% men. The question is where do all the women cyclists go if not here?
Well t'internet, and forums dominated by men in general can be a bit unfriendly to womankind.
A lot of supposedly harmless blokey chat, and alleged 'banter' can come across as downright misogynistic, at times.
More awkward subject matter can get railroaded.
Or is just avoided altogether.
Many women,
still don't have the confidence to speak their minds for fear of coming across as too [insert your chosen pejorative term for outspoken woman - there are
lots] or not enough something or other.
A reflection of the world out there maybe, but some of the worst aspects emboldened by anonymity maybe??
Mrs Scotties tender undercarriage must be resolved.
Perhaps some of @vicksters magical salve might have powers of encouragement at least..