Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Where is this going?

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Über Member
Artificial Intelligence content generators can have some rather disturbing outcomes......
My Daughter works in the NHS, and her superior was interviewing a candidate for a position via phone video (I guess teams or facetime) - He noticed the candidate kept looking to the left when answering any questions. It appeared she was using another phone to give her written replies which she then used to respond! Worrying that such 'cheating' can be used. (I won't mention the app he suspected was being used in case of legals)
A couple of anecdotes...........
When I was interviewed for a job in the Car Industry I had a 'curveball question'........ "what do you think of BBC Top Gear Programme?" My response was "It has little relevance to anyone serious about cars - just an entertainment programme" . I got the job
Years before that a colleague of mine used to ask interviewees "how do you set the ignition timing on a Ford Cortina?" ....... Good forms of questioning, and much better than "where do you see yourself in 5 year' time?". A former colleague answered that with "retired as I'm already 62 years old


Legendary Member
They're not AI though, they're large language models. They give an illusion of intelligence only.

But yes, half the planet is taking the pith with it.


Über Member
It might have been someone, actual person, listening in and supplying parts of their answers.

From what I understand if that were the case they'd have been either overheard or lighting-quick to put it in writing! It seems (because there wasn't PROOF of what was taking place no action could be taken against the applicant (eg attempt to defraud [my choice of words] ) , Suffice to say they didn't get a job offer.


More wheels than sense
One direction it's going in. Ten seconds work for AI. Could choose any genre you like. I was just playing.

I had a play with that and if that's what it can do in seconds and for free I wonder what it's actually capable of?


Legendary Member
I use chatgpt for emails and letters, so quick and simple. The other thing I like is asking it what it sees in a photo.


South Wales
From what I understand if that were the case they'd have been either overheard or lighting-quick to put it in writing! It seems (because there wasn't PROOF of what was taking place no action could be taken against the applicant (eg attempt to defraud [my choice of words] ) , Suffice to say they didn't get a job offer.

Your choice of words is irrelevant.

There is no action they could possibly have taken other than the one they did (not giving her the job), no matter how much proof there was of what she did.


Active Member
I’ve used ‘AI’ (or Large Language Models, as Drago rightly points out) to generate content for lessons I give to my pupils. It’s very useful for creating large data sets for use in database teaching, rather than me trying to come up with lots of random examples myself.

I have found that it is not always correct. I had one pupil asking about representing decimal numbers (e.g. 123.45678) using binary and covered it in detail with her. To give her a different perspective, I suggested that we look at how AI would explain it, but the answers generated were wrong.

It’s useful - but you need to be able to spot errors in the results.


North Shields
The environmental damage being done by AI is genuinely mind boggling. And that's physically, creatively, psychologically...

It's like nobody has seen Terminator and thought "You know what? This is a seriously terrible idea."


Senior Member
Asked the question 'Who shot Donald Trump?' as it's a topical issue and got this reply

Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, has not been shot. If you are referring to any threats or incidents involving his safety, those events typically result in extensive media coverage and significant law enforcement investigation. It's essential to verify such claims with credible sources, as misinformation can spread quickly.

As @Drago points out it is a LLM and relies on the speed at which it can collect data from the internet. Were I to ask the same question in a few hours, it may be different.
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