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back and brave
kennykool said:
Seriously...get over yourselves the lot of you!!!! Getting bored reading about what a bad guy Lance Armstrong is!

Works t'other way too kk. Personally, I get sickened by dewy eyed, rose tinted adoration of anyone. But, in the big wide world, you have to live with a range of opinions and prejudices that might not match your own.

I now subscribe to the reality check offered by Mr Mag00 on the other thread...

mr Mag00 said:
there are far more important things in the world to be troubled about than a man riding a bike for 3 weeks in france
Anyway, back on-topic, here's an interesting interview with Dick Pound, former head of WADA,1518,593937,00.html

Some interesting, and damning, stuff in there

I love
Our weapons are too limited; we can only test urine and blood. Police investigators can read e-mails, tap telephones. Their arsenal is bigger than a bottle of pee.

These two are pretty telling
[Verbruggen & McQuaid] claim in all seriousness that there is no serious doping problem in competitive cycling. That’s ridiculous. Doping is not an exception in cycling, there is a doping culture.

The fact that Sinkewitz and Jaksche were unable to get a job again is a tragedy. It says everything about the sport they were involved in. What would have been normal is for the cyclists, team managers and officials to stand up for them. The fact that they are being branded as traitors shows that competitive cycling has no enthusiasm for doing anything about doping.

But my favourite just has to be
The statement “I have never tested positive” doesn’t mean a thing. It’s more the case that it makes an athlete looks suspicious if he or she keeps repeating that claim incessantly.


Well-Known Member
Perthshire is FACT that Lance is the most tested athlete ever and has never tested positive.

Lance being a "bad guy" is only your opinion.

Think I may stop coming on this forum - same old same old all the time!!!!!!
kennykool said: is FACT that Lance is the most tested athlete ever and has never tested positive.

It is a MYTH propagated by L. Armstrong Esq.

However, the fact that you believe it does prove that if someone keeps repeating the same thing time after time then people will end-up believing it's true.


Well-Known Member
andy_wrx said:
It is a MYTH propagated by L. Armstrong Esq.

However, the fact that you believe it does prove that if someone keeps repeating the same thing time after time then people will end-up believing it's true.

Ok here goes.....
Lance is Great, Lance is Great, Lance is Great, Lance is Great, Lance is get the picture


back and brave
I was interested in testing regimes etc and a few googles produced the following


In August 2007, the Herald Sun revealed Australia's champion middle-distance athlete Craig Mottram had been drug-tested 46 times in the past 19 months.

Former world 100m record-holder Asafa Powell was tested five times in seven days while in Melbourne for the 2006 Commonwealth Games


the AFL's nine-member board decreed that Cousins will quite possibly become the most drug-tested performer in world sport.

...and so it goes on. I doubt anybody has actually bothered counting up exactly who is the most tested athlete but from my cursory reading (and admittedly that's hardly conclusive) my guess is that it would be one of the track & field athletes; a sprinter perhaps??


Chuffy said:
:Where's Noodley when you need him?

I'm trying to find the article which details how far off Armstrong is from being the most tested athlete ever...without much success. Maybe Lance has hidden it. :eek:
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