Some more info about USADA's evidence
I would love one of our resident statisticians to comment on those numbers. If its accepted that his levels fluctuate normally between 40 and 43 and being 1.8 under the lower figure is considered not unusual, why is being 2.7 above the upper figure proof of doping? And was the 1.8 low figure evidence that LA was taking drugs to depress his performance?
It says he was at high altitude during that period but also its known that athletes lift their haemocrit levels by living at high altitude or by sleeping in low oxygen atmospheres so what is the effect of that? Its one of the reasons the chemical test for EPO was introduced because the use of haemocrit thresholds was so controversial and discredited because of variability in natural levels and environmental influences.
Someone cycling down the road on a bike would be fully consistent with the rider having stolen it. Does that mean we are all bike thieves here?