Are you officially posh?

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I am properly posh

I know this because my wife's niece says it is so
mind you she has an accent that could cut wood!

Hence she dare not annoy me - the worst thing in the world to her is hearing "Posh Uncle Mike" swear - it is just far too weird for her to cope with!

Oh - and I went to an independent schoool - where does that come on the list???

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar
13, I call the midday meal dinner, the evening meal is properly called tea, unless it came from a chippy.
32, Does O’****** count as double barrelled?
So definitely not posh, but, some of my family have been in prison, so there!
When I was young dinner was at Lunchtime and Tea was in the evening

At some point this changed and DInner became the evening meal and Luch took up the Lunchtime slot

dunno why


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
The list is not complete.
There is no mention of saddlebag manufacturer?
Or for some, the saddle manufacturer.

I hit 4 including the shelves full of books. And as some of them are late19th/early 20th century collections, by default the antiques.
I've 200 bottles of wine under floor :whistle:, but I wouldn't call it a cellar.

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
I'm not posh then, mind you, never thought I was. I do know some Latin and have a shed load of books, but that's being educated. Big difference.


I was looking forward to scoring a big fat zero but I went and spoiled it by having lots of books and calling it a napkin. Not that we ever use them.


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
It's quite a strange list of ways to determine "poshness". I wouldn't say some of those are "posh"... more old fashioned than anything.

My brother maintains that I'm posh (and I'm absolutely not). He gets this misapprehension solely from the fact that he speaks like Liam Gallagher, and I don't.
He has remained in Manchester all his life, so a nasal "Ay-oh, a'ya araaight?" is his standard initial greeting. I left Manchester 31 years ago, and have since said "Good morning, how are you?" as a greeting. Ergo, to a Manc, I'm somehow considered "posh".


Legendary Member
There's a big difference between being 'posh' and just speaking English properly :whistle:

I'm going to hazard a guess that the hack who put the rubbish together is not 'posh' (either by her or any other definition), nor the survey designers (one of whom is a Spurs fan, another QPR, another Liverpool and other Sheffield Wednesday...posh people engage with cricket, rugger (union) or polo or other equestrian pursuits not association football surely :whistle:)...oh and one has a Cavapoo so a mongrel, not purebred Corgi or other pedigree pooch
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