When my ex used to come back after spending Kovu's amount on a haircut (and bear in mind that was back in the early 90s, so it was more expensive then !), I used to have to ask which hair it was that they'd cut. You couldn't tell that anything had been cut at all. I reckon they saw her coming a mile off.
When my haircuts went up to £10 I bought a pair of clippers for £11 and haven't paid a penny for a regular haircut ever again (and that's been about 6 years now).
I do love those poncy women's hairdressers with exorbitant prices. Always full of dumpy, orange-faced 'stylists' wearing the latest hideous mismatching fashions. And one look at the hairdos that they themselves have should persuade even the daftest idiot that they should turn straight around and go elsewhere. They all look like a seagull has taken a dump on the top of their head

And the price list - where you pay according to the rank of junior stylist, stylist, senior stylist or brain-dead Ooopa-Loompa-faced chavette.
(Not that I generalise about all women's hairdressers, obviously
