On the rare occasion that I might hit my head on descending at speeds of 40mph, that I regularly hit where I live, I am pretty certain that I would like to have a helmet on. No argument that I am likely to do More damage by wearing one will stop me.For the umpteenth time, no one is saying that cycle helmets are never of any use under any circumstance. What people do try to say is that the issues are way more complex than that. That the marginal benefits on the very rare occasions that a person might hit their head need to be counterbalanced by the negative impacts. That there are other activities and circumstances where helmets could be as or more useful. Etc. Etc. Etc. It is all there in numerous threads, most of them locked, for you to read any time you want.
This thread is actually about asking the question raised and specific to yesterday's accident and nobody appears to be answering this despite numerous replies on the 3 pages so far...