Top 10 Reasons To Wear a Helmet
Its intersting there doesn't seam to be the same debate amoungst horse riders, - as far as Ican see -
maybe their helmets are better than ours?

- Safety helmets are 80 percent effective in preventing injury and death.
- Brain injuries can be a life-changing experience.
- There is no statistical correlation between skill level and injury likelihood.
- Even a fall from a standing horse can be catastrophic. Your injury risk depends on the height from which you fall, as well as the speed at which you're traveling.
- The bulk of equestrian injuries occur in pleasure riding.
- The walk is the most common gait at which riders suffer injuries.
- Only 23 percent of mounted accidents occur when jumping.
- Head injuries are cumulative. An original head injury can be made much worse by additional concussions.
- Head injuries are expensive. Medical expenses for a minor concussion can amount to thousands of dollars. The most catastrophic head injuries average a cost of $4 million.
- Riding is more dangerous than downhill skiing and motorcycling.
Its intersting there doesn't seam to be the same debate amoungst horse riders, - as far as Ican see -
maybe their helmets are better than ours?