Anyone eat Brioche? If so, what with?

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And on that note, what the hell IS a morning roll?

Ask your wife????


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
You can have butter and honey with your brioche too.
Or make it into a filthy bread and butter pud.
I quite like the naughty choc ones as a treat

Does not compute!

Although the last one I made was a bit of a disaster- my custard turned to scrambled egg :-(
Right - 2 grand kids in bed and - probably - asleep

SWMBO nagged - sorry talked - eldest (12) into watching Beetlejuice with her
apparently it will be fine as it is a 12

I did say I though it would be too scary for her

and - it was too scary for her!
(which I didn;t mention!!!)

early bed for me - probably 11ish as everytime the little one (3 nearly4) stays here he tends to wake up several times and it appears to me my job to sort him out


Legendary Member
Right - 2 grand kids in bed and - probably - asleep

SWMBO nagged - sorry talked - eldest (12) into watching Beetlejuice with her
apparently it will be fine as it is a 12

I did say I though it would be too scary for her

and - it was too scary for her!
(which I didn;t mention!!!)

early bed for me - probably 11ish as everytime the little one (3 nearly4) stays here he tends to wake up several times and it appears to me my job to sort him out

Ummm which has what to do with brioche :scratch:

Once a Wheeler

…always a wheeler
A few minutes in the oven to crisp up the brioche, then a lazy Sunday breakfast with lashings of coffee and plenty of marmalade on the pastries. However, they are not particular — any accompaniment that takes your fancy will be fine.
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