Any survivors on here, cardiac arrest, heart attack, cancer....

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Leg End Member
I'd prioritise getting your leg-over first, and then work on the cycling ....
Could always get a "step through" frame!


Well, I think that might be me off the bike for a while or at least until I see the Heart Consultant on the 4th of Dec. I keep feeling lightheaded and dizzy which is not good on a bike. I don't know if it is a side effect of the medication I'm on or something more sinister.


North west
I had sceptacemia on my 21st birthdayI am .last rights and all that....great for loosing weight:ohmy: but massive strain on my family....for those who have met me will know i am not one of those people who has an attitude of live every day as though its your last but however i do have the respect of others my age who never made it through their illness...god rest andy roberts xx


Thought I'd check into this thread as it has been quiet for a while and ask, How is everyone doing?

Me, still on the bike doing between 15 and 50 miles a week, nothing mad but it does tremendous benefit mentally getting out there and pushing the pedals round in the open air.

The heart medication seems to be doing its job as I've had nothing recorded by the ICD (Implanted Cardioverter Defibrillator) for some time. The dizzies back in Nov have passed and were put down to just being one of those things.

I'm also due to get my driving licence back soon after a long ten months without it.

How is everyone else doing?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I am doing well. I have had 3 different scans done recently and got the last of the results yesterday. The doctors are relatively pleased with what they saw, and that pleases me!

I am feeling better and better as each month passes. It is nearly 3 years since my original illness and 2 since my relapse. I have slimmed to a much healthier size and not lumping about fat equivalent to 120 packs of butter has transformed my cycling and sense of well-being.

So, I just have a couple of remaining issues to sort out (dental and back/core) and then I will be able concentrate on my fitness. I am 60 next January and would like then to be able to say in honesty that I am fitter than at any other time in my life.

Good luck to the rest of you! :okay:

Paul Bromley

Well-Known Member
Stoke on Trent
Hi Colin,

So glad you are feeling positive about the future.

I'm just about to restart my cycling career after promising the wife I'd have a year off the bike
Er it was supposed to be this week but the weather is wet and windy - ah well, next week will soon be here
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