Any ex (or still) window cleaners here? What funny things have you seen?

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I posted this in another thread. A former window cleaner told me that he had seen things on his round that he shouldn't have seen...

What I will say though, is that in the most extreme example (which I absolutely will NOT detail, so don't ask!!], he was spotted doing the spotting by the spottee, and almost fell off his ladder as he beat a hasty retreat! Weeks later, he found himself at a bus stop and made eye contact with someone in the queue. They both had a "Don't I know you from somewhere?" feeling, but then he remembered where, flushed violently, and fled! :laugh:


Legendary Member
NE England
The two guys who used to do my windows, some 30yrs ago, were ex-squaddies. They'd served together and had some great stories.

The best was one where, drinking in a low bar 'somewhere in West Germany' they got in with some US soldiers. Drink had been taken in some quantity towards the end of the evening, well early morning, when one Doughboy asked. 'Hey when you Brits gonna come and fight in 'Nam?'
One of the pair replied, somewhat carelessly as it turned out. 'Well The Viet Cong seem to be doing OK as it is!'
Once said it couldn't be unsaid and whatever friendship was blossoming died in the ensuing fight!


Just remembered that she didn't have her teeth in as well!! :ohmy: xx(

What do you mean "Oh well if she'd had them in, that would've been alright then"!:rolleyes:

I'm impressed that you noticed that. 😂

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
On about window cleaners, me and my neighbour thought we'd eventually found a reliable one after years of idiots who don't turn up for months, then reappear as soon as we find another one, meaning we could get 2 cleans from different window cleaners in the space of a few days. That means we have to pay again when we've just had them cleaned! The last one was doing ok, turning up every 4th Monday, but he hasn't been for over 2 months and he's not answering phone calls, texts etc. In my window cleaning days, I was rarely off work and If I was going to be I'd let customers know by printed/copied notes though their doors. It's easier for them these days as they only have to post a message on local facebook etc pages, but no they can't even manage that!:headshake:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
On about window cleaners, me and my neighbour thought we'd eventually found a reliable one after years of idiots who don't turn up for months, then reappear as soon as we find another one, meaning we could get 2 cleans from different window cleaners in the space of a few days. That means we have to pay again when we've just had them cleaned! The last one was doing ok, turning up every 4th Monday, but he hasn't been for over 2 months and he's not answering phone calls, texts etc. In my window cleaning days, I was rarely off work and If I was going to be I'd let customers know by printed/copied notes though their doors. It's easier for them these days as they only have to post a message on local facebook etc pages, but no they can't even manage that!:headshake:

Ours is reasonably ok, he's an older guy who usually comes on a Monday, although the frequency is not regular, so he may come every week for a while and then he might not be back for a month. I don't mind, he only charges £3 a wash.
I have no way of contacting him, so if anything happens to him, I am not sure how I'll ever know!

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Ours is reasonably ok, he's an older guy who usually comes on a Monday, although the frequency is not regular, so he may come every week for a while and then he might not be back for a month. I don't mind, he only charges £3 a wash.
I have no way of contacting him, so if anything happens to him, I am not sure how I'll ever know!

I bet he uses the traditional method of ladder (preferably a wooden one) and a bucket on a belt with blade and squeegee. That's what I used. Nowadays it's all that 'too lazy to climb a ladder' water fed poles that leave water bead marks on the glass. I remember an old window cleaner who operated near to my round. The bottom 4 rungs of his wooden ladder were missing and he was always smoking weed! I saw him many times when climbing back down, reach for those non existent rungs and end up flat on the floor! :laugh:
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