I was thinking about this last night. Lots of sensible suggestions on here re: wildlife shelters etc.
I don’t know how your project is funded or who by, so some of the following may be irrelevant. But here goes…
Contact your local council. They should have someone whose job title will either be Community Engagement Officer or who has that in their job description. If you want, let me know which local council/s you are under and I’ll see if I can dig them out. That person should be interested in the project and may well be able to give you a lot of help with community contacts, applying for funding etc. If you’re very lucky they may even have some money and resources that you can access. You might want to try contacting your council’s parks dept, they might be willing and able to give you some kind of assistance such as a bit of help clearing the land etc. Check out the waste management team, if they collect garden waste then they might be able to supply you with much free compost.
None of the above is obligatory btw, you may have to use a little of the legendary Noodley charm and persuasion…
Contact the local police force and make friends with the neighbourhood beat manager. If they are running a neighbourhood program (PACT, Police And Communities Together) then they may also be able to offer some help. At the very least you will probably want them to keep a bit of an eye on the land. They might also be able to supply you with more ‘orrible scrotes who have been given Community Service (not sure how this fits in/overlaps with the remit of your project though, but it’s worth bearing in mind if you need spare hands).
I hope this helps, it sounds like a brilliant project.
Oh and wot 20" said.