Any country/garden types here?

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I am in the position of overseeing a community 'garden' type project and looking for your suggestions re what kind of thing you would go for if you had acres and acres to play with.

No restrictions, sustainable, possibly partially self-financing (so, could be looking at selling produce), looking at developing educational opportunities for those without qualifications, linking into training providers and local volunteer centre, encouraging schools to become involved. Looking at wildlife garden, some animals (I am especially keen on this idea :blush:), pond, benches, allotment type area, etc

No point setting targets low! :biggrin:

Seriously this is a real opportunity for me to oversee something of value for the community.

Any suggestions? I do have knowledgeable people working on the project but I would like to take something to the next planning meeting. (I usually take a 'vision' but nothing it would be good to appear to know what is involved)


Legendary Member
I`ve a couple of achers i often play with. :biggrin::blush::blush:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
when Hugh Frightfully-Whatsisname did the allotment project with the Bristolian working class estate they kept pigs and chickens. I'd love to do that too.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Well, you've said a lot of what I'd suggest - allotments for veg, chickens, a wild patch, a pond (with suitable edges like decking in places, so that kids can come and pond dip).

How much space? Fruit trees (and pigs to graze beneath them..). Maybe something a bit different too, like some topiary, and some interesting sculpture. A Tudor style knot garden, with scented herbs. A sensory garden - lots of textured foliage and scented plants and plants that make a noise in the breeze, for the blind or partially sighted (and everyone else too...)

Also, don't forget the plain old nice 'sitting out' aspect of a garden - a summerhouse or something and a bit of nice lawn and deckchairs....

My bro in law has just suggested concrete... but actually, would there be room for a couple of skateboard ramps and so on? Something to appeal to the kids who might not want to garden... I know, it's sounding more and more like a park, but why not?

Any good?


rich p said:
when Hugh Frightfully-Whatsisname did the allotment project with the Bristolian working class estate they kept pigs and chickens. I'd love to do that too.

Yeh, I'm a bit of a fan of Hugh Fairly-Whimsical.

I took over the project a couple of weeks ago, the previous manager saw it as a 'good enough' project but had no real interest or vision for a long term project with sustainable community benefits.

I had been looking at getting a few animals of my own earlier this year (rare breed sheep and pigs, and some laying hens) but I had to put it on hold, so I'm really keen to get this project up and running and properly planned, rather than it just bumbling along.


Arch said:
How much space?

Any good?

Space wise I was told it was 5 acres, but I need to have it measured. It looks bigger IMO..

Any good? yep, sounds good to me :blush:


Legendary Member
possibly too small - new tv series next weds -
actually this is what I was thinking of -


Cake connoisseur
Sounds fab! (Chuffy says <Cartman> goddamn' hippy </Cartman>)
Something in it to gather water, and maybe a wind turbine and a water feature thing (or auto waterer) powered by wind turbine or solar power that could be part of a sensory garden?
Noodley get some apples in and may be some pears and as you sugested earlier some plums, in fact any top fruit. You get a nice show of blossom in the spring and fruit in the autumn to eat, two for one :blush:. The apples and pears come on different sized rootstock which decides the size of the final tree so you don't get the tree's taking over.


Thinking about this, I need some "immediate" projects, "medium term" projects and "long term" projects...although I reckon by "long term" I also include sustainable over the long term as well as being short term gains.

I reckon I need 'crops' which attract all-round seasonal attraction and produce, likewise with plants...if it's going to be in anyway 'self financing' the produce has to attract an added value price - Asparagus? Seasonal Broccoli? etc? There is money to invest so I am not aiming at 100% self-financing, but maybe if we can evidence some form of gain it may help with bids for investment - I am also keen to get businesses involved.

I have retail contacts. But I think if we are to attract community links we need to be thinking of exchanging produce for time and skills..


I am doing this as part of a project to work with offenders; it will be interesting to find out how they deal with sending any animals to slaughter. I reckon animals will be if we keep them....but I reckon the 'offenders' my have a different view once they buy into the project...I already have 3 guys who have finished their community service wanting to continue their involvement: they have worked hard and bought into the project.
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