Any advice on a used Orbea Gain D50 from an Ebay seller

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Mick Mudd

Über Member
I don't want to sound alarmist but I'd think twice before buying a second-hand bike
Back in my cycling club days I was out for a leisurely ride with my teenage mate when SNAP his downtube broke clean as a whistle; here's a stock pic off the net to show the break in red.
The bike held together- just- and luckily we were only a couple of miles from home so he was able to limp slowly back.
Guess what? Yup it was a second-hand bike that his dad had bought him and looked good under a nice paint job which was probably covering a few metal fatigue cracks.

Good afternoon,

I know what you mean; :smile:

In the end I went for a new Endurance AL e, as the battery is such an expensive item and as its condition is not easily understandable it is simpler to say You sold me a new one and ........


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Legendary Member
The only bike of mine that was bought new was a Brompton in 2008. The rest are waifs and strays, up to 90 years old, that have been refurbished and rebuilt into various single-purpose bikes. That cracked downtube was a really, really, rare occurrence on a steel bike. Either overheated with the brazing torch, or the gear lever bosses acted as a stress raiser - the old Campag ones, with their sharp square corners, did that.


Well-Known Member
I've an Orbea Gain m30, & love it ! But then I'm ancient and need that "push in the back" for anything over 25miles - And hills (eg Thorneyhill just outside Bransgore)

One thing to check - if it has had a Mahle firmware update. The latest version allow you change the Assistance Levels direct via the iWoc display on the bars as well as the button on the cross bar.Think the latest Mahle versions of Orbea & Ribble have this facility.
Good morning,
I've an Orbea Gain m30, & love it ! But then I'm ancient and need that "push in the back" for anything over 25miles - And hills (eg Thorneyhill just outside Bransgore)

One thing to check - if it has had a Mahle firmware update. The latest version allow you change the Assistance Levels direct via the iWoc display on the bars as well as the button on the cross bar.Think the latest Mahle versions of Orbea & Ribble have this facility.
I did a check and as far as I can tell it is supposed to be compatible and I am tempted to go to the local Orbea dealer and see if it does work or if he throws me out the door for coming in with a Ribble.:smile:

If it doesn't I definitely don't intend to go down the firmware update route in case I find myself with a non e ebike which needs shipping back to Ribble. Sadly Ribble don't seem to be reaching out to either LBS or independents to provide support with this sort of thing.

The latest M30s seem to have the newer X20 system which at least on paper looks a big step up from the X35, are you X35 and cursing, X35 and happy or X20 and modern?


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