Another +ve

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Senior Member
London, SW10
Gutted with Ricco. He carries a photo of Pantani on him according to Liggett. His explosive breakaways also whiffed massively.

Just back to where we were last year now. Idiotic.


Legendary Member
oh dear. He's a big name in one of the jerseys too - should/must have known better. And I was relying on him for my velogame league points.

Velonews has it as "Ricardo Ricco of Saunier Duval, who tested positive for a novel erythropoietic agent known as erythropoiesis receptor activator (CERA), a new agent, which medical professionals say is a promising treatment for anemia." rather than EPO.


Legendary Member
Letour has the following riders dropping out this morning:
"Riccardo Ricco, Juan Jose Cobo, David De La Fuente, Josep Jufre Pou, Leonardo Piepoli"

Just hope they're not all "non-negative" - none of them were struggling yesterday were they? LaFuente maybe?
andy_wrx said:
How many of the 10-20 are Boilermen from S-D I wonder...:biggrin:

I don't suppose I can claim that much credit for it, it was very obvious and lots of others saying it.

Leakygas next ?


Living Legend & Old Fart
It's time for the 'tough love' approach - Positive A + B samples should result in a ban sine die and no excuses/appeals or retro-active medicals and the team should be banned as well. Riders achievements should be expunged from all record books and no further involvement with the professional peloton.
The sine die ban should be retro-active so anyone in the professional peloton who has had a previous ban - get another job.


Flim Flormally
They're reporting on Dutch TV that the French anti-doping labs have developed a new system that detects the previously undetectable third generation of EPO. If so, expect more riders to get caught in the days ahead.


Reactions from other riders:

Juan Cobo Acebo (Saunier Duval) : «Il y a eu des jours meilleurs. Si le contrôle positif est confirmé par la contre-analyse, c'est une nouvelle terrible.»

Romain Feillu (Agritubel) : «J'ai entendu parler qu'un nouveau truc existait, qui était soi-disant indétectable. C'est donc une bonne nouvelle. Si les contrôles marchent et qu'on voit que c'est le seul à l'utiliser, c'est positif. De toute façon, Ricco c'était quelqu'un d'arrogant, qui n'était pas apprécié dans le peloton. Maintenant, cela va peut-être rouler moins vite.»

Marc Madiot (directeur sportif de la Française des Jeux) : «Dehors ! Toutes les années, il y a un discours, il y a des règles du jeu. On ne va pas s'appesantir sur un mec qui se fait attraper. Dehors les tricheurs !»

Mark Cavendish (Team Columbia) : «Je suis sous le choc. C'est difficile de repenser à la course désormais, même si aujourd'hui, c'était enfin une étape pour moi et les sprinteurs.»
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