Another thread of Trains & Bikes

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I've not been there, but I think that the old military site at Orford is off limits for general access and is limited to pre-booked tours by foot only - you'd need to check this. As far as the roads go, they're mostly OK - narrow single carriageway B or C/unclassified with badly worn surface dressing topping with the main problem being sand covering the damaged edges on the really rural back road bits.
As for the train connections, if you get the Intercity service that leaves Liverpool Street on the hour, this arrives in Ipswich at about 5 past the next hour and the East Suffolk line train for Lowestoft leaves at quarter past giving you 10 minutes which is plenty of time to get your bike over the bridge from platform 3 to platform 1 (there is a lift).

ah ok, the photos look great of the island. Maybe another day. Been looking on streetview while planning the route and yes, lots of sand by edge of road which can be tricky if loose concentration. ok i will take a look at that time table for the trains. thanks very much


Hello again Simon, thank you for your response to my post.
This may influence your planning or not, depending on when you wanted to make the journey. I put in a “test purchase” on the Greater Anglia website and discovered that next week the service from Ipswich to Woodbridge has a replacement service by bus which is unusable with a cycle.
If however you planned to travel at a later date and things are back to normal, the time lapse / connection time when getting off at Ipswich and then catching the train to Woodbridge is only six minutes so that is a quick change. You could not cycle to Woodbridge in six minutes.
You could take a belt and braces approach : buy a ticket all the way to Woodbridge and use it if you choose to or abandon that idea if bus replacement forces your hand ( or you change your mind ). The price difference is only about £1.30 and in my opinion that’s a small price to pay to allow you flexibility.

Separately, I would recommend the website if you have not already experienced it. It will plot a route for you showing the quieter roads. It is a website that I find very useful.

fab thanks, i am looking at this friday and there are no warnings at the moment about bus replacement. but will check again. Otherwise its off to the IoW again. Not heard of the website you mention, i will take a look and see if it helps. thanks very much


You used to be able to get from street level to platform level down a ramp from Sun Street or Pindar Street, northwest of the station. I don't know if it's still open since the last building works.

Bicycles on escalators are fun anyway, but Liv St isn't the best place to practice.

will takea look and give myself plenty of time


ok cool, got a nice looking route, about 75miles. Weather looking good for Friday, a little bit of wind, but hopefully ok. warm enough.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Convention says keep left if riding them down the escalator!
:rofl: Thank you for reminding me that the "Adventure" bit of this subforum's title attracts the MTB crowd!

I usually dismount and stand with the bike to the right, using the front brake to hold the bike still, but few escalators are wide enough for anyone to pass, riding or not.


hmmmm yeah it is going to be hard, especially as i booked a 08.30 train lol. Going to get there super early and just be patient. i had a look on streetview but couldn't find a good way in, some of the views are under construction, i am thinking of just winging it. Not sure if i can cycle down the escalotr LOL



Garmin is a bit messy around Walberswick due to trail.


Legendary Member
hmmmm yeah it is going to be hard, especially as i booked a 08.30 train lol. Going to get there super early and just be patient. i had a look on streetview but couldn't find a good way in, some of the views are under construction, i am thinking of just winging it. Not sure if i can cycle down the escalotr LOL

assuming you are arriving at Liverpool street by bike, there are a few steps down (and short escalators) to the concourse level from Bishopsgate side, which is probably most direct, or if coming from t'other side, if you were heading down Eldon street, you go just about straight on as the road curves away and again a few steps down into a bit of retail space that you walk thru to the main concourse.

its much more of balls ache were you to try to carry the bike down the stairs / escalators from the Liverpool Street side entrance


I've fixed that Walberswick - Southwold trail in the past. There's a parallel footpath at one point, but there really is bridleway all the way through. It's currently correct on OpenStreetMap. Garmin must be using older data.

thanks. i've cycled along the river to the footbridge and it is pretty stony back in 2016 i think, ok for some bikes, i might have to push mine as it is bound to be busy with holiday makers. There is Palmers Lane which leaves the village further up by the church, which is a road but turns into similar stony road surface also. There will be less people on this trail i think, and it is slightly wider from the pictures on google streetview.



It all worked out fine with the train and bike. Bit busy on the return trip, but all good. Lift at Liverpool station worked, but took the stairs on the way home. 72miles of mostly nice roads.


Legendary Member
Have they waived their general rule about no bikes allowed in the deep tunnels for the Elizabeth Line?
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