saw the physio on Wednesday, some ultrasound and a session of acupuncture, he then showed me how to tape my knee to assist with the correct location of my knee the ok to cycle although he advised not to get out of the saddle much and particularly not before im fully warm which at my age (48) takes about 10 miles i reckon....
Anyway did 25k on Saturday took it very slowly (not much choice as fitness seems to have vanished in the month that has passed !) Some soreness just above kneecap but no massive flare up of the intense buring pain so im hopeful that im heading in the right direction.
Another visist this week and i will then have to call a halt as it's not cheap, i think longer term i need to look at my bike fit so will need to budget for that...
Got on fine with the tape, although ripping it off on Sunday wasn't the best part of my weekend !