Went to see a Physio last night...quite interesting and a little painfull !
Apologies if some of this isnt 100% right but i've put the general jist of what he said below in case it's of interested to anyone ele.
His diagnosis is that i have muscle imbalance, the outer muscles of my thighs are the same on both legs but the inner muscle on the left leg (the one where my knee issue is !) is visibliy small and therefore weaker..you don't look at your own thighs much well i dont anyway.
So what he did was tape my knee up to correct the misalignment caused by the muscle imblance he then told me to try kneeling again..which i did with some trepadation....and guess what no pain at all...amazing eh?
He took the tape of and to use his phrase "threw his elbow into my thigh) i was lying on my side and he was working the IT band area OH MY GOD that hurt !
He then showed me the 1 exercise he wants me to to 2x10 reps twice a day for 2 weeks (bit hard to explain...sit on the floor legs out in front of you body at 90 degrees to legs...pull good knee towords your chest...wrap arms around it....relax bad leg, let foot fall outwards, press back of knee into the floor and slowly raise your leg as high as you can...hold for a count of 2-3 then SLOWLY lower.
I told him i'd been using the foam roller and he approved of this....as long as you dont go too close to the knee (you dont want to put pressure on the cartlidge around the knee cap)
No cycling for 2 weeks...so that will be 4 in total then back to see him on the 26th. He has asked me to bring some Kinesio tape so he can show me some knee taping techniques that i assume will help with knee position while i cycle....
I was about to buy some but then thought hold on ask the good people of Cyclechat where the best place to get Kinesio tape is ....so anyone got any recomendations ?