Another Crash , 2 in as many weeks

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Senior Member
"BUT, Tesco`s roundabout - 3 lanes into one?? wtf is that all about?!!!"

I know , the road planners in Plymouth have got their heads and arses mixed up .There are a few bus stops in Plymouth that are just before or just after the exits on roundabouts and they are not pull in ones either ,dangerous for predestrians,cyclists and cause trafic to stop on the actual roundabout creating more problems .


Well-Known Member
w (Totnesian!-almost!!)
A fellow Totnesian?! It can't be...


Nr Cambridge
Coming home from Plymouth tonight at 18:45 and it`s pi**ing down. I get to a section of path that is cut in half and very wide ( a car could drive along it) , half is pedestrians half for bilkes. Guy ahead jogging down the middle but on bike section:bicycle: , his back to me, no one else on the path, so I can get by no problem although why he wasn`t on the pedestrian section I don`t know. Called out "coming past" just so he knew I was there , went to go past hit leaves and what I can only describe as grease , down I went :cursing: . Rear of the saddle hit me like a sledge hammer in the chest and totally winded me also whacked my left knee which is now swollen. The guy was very concerned that I was o.k . Rear wheel slighly buckled so will have to true it , have not checked the bike yet but ,I hope, looks o.k. So I think my road bike will be a no no in bad weather. Luckily I haven`t compounded any of the injuries I picked up 2 weeks ago when I hit the tarmac hard. Managed to ride home in the heavy downpoor . Cycling is fun...... isn`t it ??????? :rolleyes:

This is what happens if you use Contis.

Hope you are feeling better. Perhaps you need to improve your bike handling skills or get some good tyres?


Senior Member
This is what happens if you use Contis.

Hope you are feeling better. Perhaps you need to improve your bike handling skills or get some good tyres?

It was bucketing down,dark, and I didn`t see the "grease" on the path. Sorry but what bike handling skills would you have used or do you suggest ? Tyres are not conti`s either.


Nr Cambridge
It was bucketing down,dark, and I didn`t see the "grease" on the path. Sorry but what bike handling skills would you have used or do you suggest ? Tyres are not conti`s either.

I forgot to add a smiley sorry. ;).

Well it's either too much speed, lack of grip, lack of bike handling skills or a combination of all three.

Dont't get so defensive just trying to suggest something so you don't suffer the same ignomy again. It can't be nice sliding down the road / path on your behind.

Safe cycling :bicycle:.
Autumn is that time of year where you have to be vigilant in your bike control and handling. The roads are greasy, leaves compound the problem. When it's wet you have to be aware of drain covers, white lines when steering and braking. Islands can be very dangerous if taken with a bit to much enthusiasm. Stay seated keep weight on your rear wheels in the wet. Certain tyres are just crap in the wet and can emulate riding on ice.

Yep, my rear wheel spun out on a drain cover a few weeks ago - a very unnerving experience it was too. Managed to keep control as I wasn't going that quick but there were cars behind and all.

It's just the time of year, so be careful folks and hope you're okay, Alan.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
all the tin shoe box loving muppets that love their cars

Can't beat a dose of tolerance in our society.:rolleyes:


Senior Member
I forgot to add a smiley sorry. ;).

Well it's either too much speed, lack of grip, lack of bike handling skills or a combination of all three.

Dont't get so defensive just trying to suggest something so you don't suffer the same ignomy again. It can't be nice sliding down the road / path on your behind.

Safe cycling :bicycle:.

Not being defensive at all ,.
I really like it when someone comes along and makes assumptions about a situation and then gets them wrong , not only gets their assumptions wrong but tells the other person they are being defensive. First off you assumed I was using Conti`s , wrong , second you assumed I was going too fast, wrong , it was p*ssing down dark and I was going past someone slowly, third my bike handling skills , wrong , i`m 57 and have ridden most of my life . I didn`t slide down the road/path on my behind either . As for suffering ignomy , that didn`t happen a fractured rib did though. Smiley face ^_^


Nr Cambridge
Not being defensive at all ,.
I really like it when someone comes along and makes assumptions about a situation and then gets them wrong , not only gets their assumptions wrong but tells the other person they are being defensive. First off you assumed I was using Conti`s , wrong , second you assumed I was going too fast, wrong , it was p*ssing down dark and I was going past someone slowly, third my bike handling skills , wrong , i`m 57 and have ridden most of my life . I didn`t slide down the road/path on my behind either . As for suffering ignomy , that didn`t happen a fractured rib did though. Smiley face ^_^

I am so sorry I didn't realise that your seniority automatically conferred on you exemplary bike handling skills and also those of anticipation. You did state in the title of your post that you have had 2 crashes in as many weeks. One would be unfortunate but two ........ Maybe you should get some better lights so you can see better, better tyres - studded ones, knee or elbow pads to give you more protection if you fall again .............


Senior Member
Maybe you need to stop giving out the advice and making assumptions , because one day you might just fall off of your holier than thou perch. Also i`m not going to get into some online crap with a troll like you, so next time think about what you say to people before you say it.


Baldy Go
+1 Alan.

A post like this in the beginners section of CC would make me question the value of this uber friendly forum...but I'm an old-fashioned, genteel kind of guy! :smile: I'm not here to be jumped on by elite racers either.

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