Angina - How Did That Happen ? Any Experiences to Share ?

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Ramsgate, Kent
I'm known to my cardiologist as the queen of angiograms, I've had 6 in the last 6 years and I'm not even 30 til next month!

I had a heart attack at the age of 23 it was caused by an infection of the wall of the heart, they decided to do an angiogram and noticed the start of CHD so I was put on meds given lifestyle advice (didn't need it really as I was always very active and ate healthily as I'm diabetic) then sent home.

Fast forward 3 years to New Year's Eve 2010 I get rushed into hospital with chest pain. Another angiogram later I'm diagnosed with angina and have been stented.

Since then I've had 4 more angiograms as I have a severe blockage of over 95% which can't be stented due to its positioning so at some point I'll need a bypass.

All I can say is just take it steady and listen to the doctors, but there is no reason why you can't carry on cycling I love going out on my bike! If they have given you a GTN spray take it out on the bike with you and also be careful in cold weather, cold air can bring on an angina attack, not really sure why but that's what my cardiologist said.

The meds are horrible especially the statins they have terrible side effects but stick with them they are saving your life! The side effects should wear off I don't have any (either that or I'm so used to them I don't notice any more!).

Good luck with your angiogram hopefully they go through your wrist it's much better and you're up on your feet much quicker. But if it is through the groin it's no big deal you just have to lie flat on your back for a few hours after and press down on your groin if you need to cough or sneeze!!


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
^^^^^^^ Maximum respect, Bryony!


Knight Of The Realm & All Around Good Guy
Bryony really good shout regarding the GTN spray, and I have one in my car, breifcase, bedroom, cycling jacket, golf bag and one spare. I have never had to use it but always worried that I may if I don't have it with me.

The worst thing about going through the wrist; is the clamp that they put on afterwards. It covers the whole wrist and the plaster which covers the wound, and is made of clear stiff plastic that has an inflator. Once on the wrist it then has air pumped in so that it stays tight and secure, and because you have blood thinners now the wound will not stop bleeding without firm pressure. My fingers were swolen and turning blue after around 4-hours and that was when a bit of pressure was released. This went on for a couple of days with pressure being released gradually and when its finally removed you are warned not to let anything happen to the plaster and scab underneath. If you knock it get to hospital as fast as you can because you'll bleed to death otherwise ..... I was bricking it when told this and for weeks I was protecting the wrist, especially once the dressing was removed.


Ramsgate, Kent
Bryony really good shout regarding the GTN spray, and I have one in my car, breifcase, bedroom, cycling jacket, golf bag and one spare. I have never had to use it but always worried that I may if I don't have it with me.

The worst thing about going through the wrist; is the clamp that they put on afterwards. It covers the whole wrist and the plaster which covers the wound, and is made of clear stiff plastic that has an inflator. Once on the wrist it then has air pumped in so that it stays tight and secure, and because you have blood thinners now the wound will not stop bleeding without firm pressure. My fingers were swolen and turning blue after around 4-hours and that was when a bit of pressure was released. This went on for a couple of days with pressure being released gradually and when its finally removed you are warned not to let anything happen to the plaster and scab underneath. If you knock it get to hospital as fast as you can because you'll bleed to death otherwise ..... I was bricking it when told this and for weeks I was protecting the wrist, especially once the dressing was removed.
Yeah I wasn't a fan of the horrible bit of plastic around my wrist and when they took a bit of air out it started bleeding again so had to put the air back in:wacko:

With the scab, like you I was told to be careful and that if it got knocked and began bleeding to get to hospital, but for some reason I wasn't concerned and I remember when I came out of hospital it had snowed quite hard so the following day I went sledging on the downs and knocked my wrist several times (looking back probably wasn't a good idea!:rolleyes:).

One side effect of going through the wrist is that in some cases afterwards you can't feel a pulse there it does usually come back eventually but sometimes it doesn't and it's so funny watching nurses trying to find a pulse they get a slight look of panic on their faces and look at you a bit weird!! And when I explain to them why they can't find a pulse they look very relieved! :laugh:

I think I prefer them going through the wrist just because you are up and about quicker and due to an old back injury I find laying completely flat uncomfortable after about 30mins. The last angiogram I had about a year ago had to go through the groin as there was too much scar tissue in the wrist and they couldn't get the catheter in:sad: But unfortunately my groin is getting scarred now too as I've had so many done, I've been told if I need any more done they may have to start going in on the left side!!:sad:


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
The lying flat until the wound has stopped bleeding is maybe the worst part of the whole experience. The last couple of times I have had an Angioseal - a collagen plug - inserted in the groin to seal the hole in the artery. This dissolves over the following months. It gets a little trying if you need more than a couple of stents done at the same time, and last time I also had some sort of pressure test performed which required the injection of a substance that had quite an unpleasant effect - for a brief period, thankfully.


Knight Of The Realm & All Around Good Guy
YoungGold that sounds like the pressure test I had to have in October which I had done in an MRI machine. One of the worst experiences of my life, as your squeezed into a drainpipe and unable to move for over an hour. Die pumped in one vein so that they can see the heart working and right at the end a cardiac surgeon shoves a cocktail of drugs into me so that it makes my heart think its running a marathon. heart beats like crazy and is trying to jump out of your chest and you lay there sweating as if you are doing a marathon and feeling like youre about to die. Terrible feeling and then they take almost a month to let you know all's ok. If it wasn't ok you are in for a bypass.
Lard Armstrong

Lard Armstrong

Milton Keynes
So here's the latest.......

I had the angiogram on Friday, the only drama was the artery in my wrist went into spasm during the process, so the catheter wouldn't move properly. They fixed this and it went off without further incident.

My left circumflex artery is around 99% closed! the good news is that the 2 main arteries are only 10% reduced.

So I need a stent ASAP, I'm hoping to get this quickly, as the private healthcare will cover it.

Fingers crossed.

Btw thanks for all your insights, it was a really big help.

The Jogger

Legendary Member
Good luck with your procedure LA I found this an interesting read / watch

Deleted member 1258

LA, my grandfather was medically retired from the GPO in 1955 with Angina, he was given 6 months to live, he died 37 active years later, aged 92. Aged 80, he thought nothing of walking into town (3 miles each way) to get the shopping twice a week.

I hope the treatment goes well, good luck.

I've come across people who can't get their heads round the fact I've had angina and some that won't believe it.
Lard Armstrong

Lard Armstrong

Milton Keynes
I have booked the angioplasty for the 1st week in Jan, looking forward to getting it fixed. This is what I am having done Link.

I have had time to reflect on this, what is most remarkable is the rapid decline, which is remarkable. This Summer I was riding in the Alps during the last week of the Tour de France (Ventoux, Alp d'Huez, etc)

I was riding 18 miles a day riding to work, at mostly time trial pace. Spin classes all winter, etc.

In fewer than 3 weeks, I went from no symptoms, through a slight discomfort when riding above 85%MHR, then some mild burning, causing me to slow down, then no cycling & finally not being able to walk far without stopping.

3 weeks.

I've never smoked, don't drink much, eat very healthily (oily fish, porridge, fresh fruit, veg, no crap). Since my diagnosis, I discovered my Mother has elevated cholesterol and my Brother has since discovered his cholesterol is higher than mine.

My body is creating too much cholesterol, this is hereditary. I have increased blood pressure, which appears to be mostly stress related. This is in my gift to control. I expect to take medication for life now.


Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
In fewer than 3 weeks, I went from no symptoms, through a slight discomfort when riding above 85%MHR, then some mild burning, causing me to slow down, then no cycling & finally not being able to walk far without stopping.
3 weeks.

This was my experience. Within 1 more week I couldn't stand without having attacks and called an Ambulance ... was stented the next day.
If you have any doubts over the next few days until your appointment dial 999.


Senior Member
I had no symptoms at all until the attack. Take Fabs advice any problems ring 999.

The op is nothing to worry about and painless but will make a big difference to how you feel.
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