Andy's Modelmaking Misadventures

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All at sea⛵
It’s been far too long since I actually played a game with all the models I’ve been making, so this week I cleared the kitchen table, in the process finding all kinds of interesting items I thought I’d lost, and set up a new version of “Ascension Island”.

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It’s 1937; Ascension is a mid-Atlantic meeting point of spies, traders, crooks and diplomats. Unfortunately, one diplomat seems to have vanished while transferring from her South American airship to a British service to carry her to London. Captain Bryant and his team must find the diplomat, hopefully safe and well, and get her off the Island; preferably before her home country declares war.

They’ve finally tracked the Diplomat down to the “Montaro trading” warehouse at the Aerodrome (top right in the picture above). The plan is to get her out of there and bundle her into the waiting aircraft.

Bryant decided to make sure the plane is ready and that the route from the warehouse is safe. He and two of his team exit their police car before Sgt. Coulson drives onward to the warehouse.

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Bryant and team make contact with the “Foreign Pilot”, (Dictated, as usual, by a die roll and a table of options) but suddenly they are interrupted by Matron Fox of the Auxiliary Police, who claims that the Auxiliaries are dealing with the situation and orders them to stand down. When this fails, she tries her now standard ruse of “What’s that over there?”…

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…and then tries to stop the pilot flying the plane. (This is decided by a die roll; if the Fox wins she is considered to have ‘persuaded’ the pilot to refuse to fly, or incapacitated her). Fortunately, she fails.

However Lt Gunning has taken position on some suspicious looking boxes, and soon bullets are zinging around Bryant’s ears.

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Meanwhile, the rest of the Auxiliaries are moving fast. Their ‘leader’, Col. Lawrence, has ordered another of the squad, “Commandant Allen”, to drive a truck to the Montaro Warehouse to find the Diplomat…

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At the same time, he’s dispatched Seaman Dundas to switch off the electricity supply in the hope of stopping the aircraft from taking off.

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And what of the dashing and brave Col. Lawrence himself, you may ask? He’s in the control tower, where no-one can shoot at him, trying to steal a radio… He pulls at the plug (dice roll) and gets an electric shock

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Back outside, Bryant and the pilot run for the plane and jump on board with bullets flying around them. The pilot throttles the plane up

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Meanwhile, Sgt. Coulson, already annoyed at being sent to babysit a diplomat instead of join in any fighting, hears gunshots and diverts along an alleyway into the aerodrome.

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As Bryant tries to close the door on the plane, Seaman Dundas, having successfully turned off the power switch, runs across and grabs the door frame before it is completely shut. This is unfortunately impossible to show on the model using little figures, so here’s a “behind the scenes” view showing who is on the plane.

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It’s also showing that the dice gave Seaman Dundas a particularly hard day, as Bryant shows two successes in the ensuing fight, probably bashing the door against Dundas’s fingers.

It seems the Police will be able to rescue the diplomat, but they reckoned without Lt. Gunning, who is still on those boxes…

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As the plane taxis by, Gunning empties his magazine at it, hoping to hit something critical enough to stop it… He hits four times, but will it damage something important?

(Turn story card)

Kaboom. A stray bullet punctures a fuel line… and smoke starts pouring from the engine. The pilot tries to stop the plane, but it is out of control…

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Will the police be able to get to the Diplomat first, or will the Auxiliaries capture her?

Why are the auxiliaries trying to catch the diplomat in the first place?

Can colonel Lawrence steal the radio without further injury?

Found out in next week’s exciting episode of “The Diplomatic Rescue”

More like Dick Barton!

After the success of the plane out of card project I’d wanted to try something even more extreme, so once I’d roughly formed a truck body that actually fitted on the chassis while allowing the wheels to go round, I got out some very coarse grade sandpaper, and sanded the ‘model’ to death, with the goal of making a vehicle that looked rounded and stylish.

Of course, when you just have a curved shape with no context and no detail, what you get is something that looks like a bar of used soap, so before posting I added some details from wire and bits of card to try and make a vaguely authentic “truck” that can hold its own during a tabletop game.


Some details will be held on with magnets, so the truck can fulfil its alter ego as a racing vehicle in “The Races”. This will require a turret (yes, really) and hopefully a ramming plough. The cunning plan to magnet this onto the ‘radiator’ worked up until the point where I realised the mesh I’d used was aluminium, but I’ll figure out a solution at some point…
"Rescue the diplomat" Episode 2:


In the last episode:

The Royal Navy Airship Service Police force has to find a missing diplomat and help her get off the Island. Unfortunately, their attempts to do this were interfered with by the Auxiliary police, and as the pilot tries to taxi toward the building where the diplomat is hiding, Lt. Gunning has fired a full magazine into the side of the plane, and it hit something critical, causing it to catch fire and crash.


Meanwhile, Sgt Coulson has driven around to the aerodrome and finds his colleagues, who leap into the car (yes, I know the car is further over in the last picture; shush.)


At the other end of the table, “Commandant” Allen is racing towards the Montaro Warehouse where the diplomat is hiding. Several cards are used in each turn; like ‘chance’ cards on Monopoly, they give instructions, some helpful, some less so. This one says the character, in this case “Commandant” Allen, can’t perform an action. This threw a spanner in the works because steering or stopping the car would be an ‘action’, so instead of sweeping impressively up to the warehouse, she drives smack into the wall.


Coulson manages to avoid the smoking wreck of the plane, and drops off his colleagues. Bryant orders the police to forget the plane, and make sure the Diplomat isn’t captured by the Auxiliary police, so Coulson is charging down the Alleyway alongside the warehouse.


From his hiding point behind the wrecked plane, Gunning watches the RNAS police take position in front of the warehouse.


Colonel Lawrence emerges victorious from the control tower; after four attempts, he’s finally stolen the radio.


Sgt. Williams and Capt. Bryant secure the door to the Montaro warehouse, using the damaged truck as cover, then run inside.


Sgt. Coulson reaches the other end of the warehouse, and kicks his way through the door.


Colonel Lawrence sends his Auxiliaries forward, (as in, in front of him), while he stays behind the truck. The RNAS Police have barricaded the door…


Meanwhile, they run out the back and bundle the diplomat in the car.


Bryant and most of the RNAS police get ready to hold off the Auxiliaries as Sgt. Coulson drives the Diplomat off to safety.


So the RNAS police didn’t manage to get the Diplomat off the island, but at least they prevented her from being captured by the Auxiliaries and can report to her home government that she is safe and well, thus avoiding a diplomatic incident.

However, the question remains; why do the Auxiliaries want to capture a South American diplomat, and what will they try next? Find out in the next exciting episode of the Ascension Chronicles…
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