I’ve yet to develop a consistent method of applying green to models; the colour always seems to go on garish and blotchy, or dull and grey. As green is the main colour for the Körschtalbahn, this is somewhat embarrassing.
This time I mixed a “light” green that I thought would look modern and smart, but which turned out to be seriously garish, and went on so blotchy the model looked like it was painted by someone who had been sampling interesting fungal substances. I cleaned it off rather than give you all nightmares and after very carefully priming the remains, tried again.
A green/grey mix covered the model better, but it was a bit… gloomy, as if the painter, having slept off the fungal substances, was feeling decidedly morose. In desperation I tried to mix something lighter, which would be described in a paint catalogue as “Toxic goo, visible from space” and dry brushed it on. Remarkably it worked.
I added a gentle brushing of white and a tiny bit of silver, then toned it down gingerly with black wash, although before I get accused of competence, this process was repeated half a dozen times before it managed to look vaguely acceptable.
Still, nearly there now: just the grey and yellow stripes to go… and the rust effects; brake pipes; interior; windows; weathering powders; varnish…
Oh yes, and putting all the bits together.