domtyler said:
Well as they are only about fifteen quid anyone can get one, I highly recommend them for grabbing the attention of dozy cretinous motorists.
Not only that, but they appear to give off a mysterious field that has protected me from the idiotic neds on the shared path. Since I bought mine, I've only used it once after watching some nedettes pull the 'pretend we haven't seen you and walk backwards into your path at the last second' trick on an old guy coming towards me. They then turned and saw me coming, and started lining themselves up for the same thing and ignoring my bell warnings that I was approaching (they were blocking the path). I eventually gave up tinkling and gave them a wee toot. Strangely, they parted and let me through and were in such a state of disbelief that they forgot to yell the usual abuse until I was well past them.
Mind you, the one time I needed to use it on the road (on a roundabout and an idiot waited until I was almost level with them before pulling out in front of me), I ended up pressing the top of my bell and wondering why the horn wasn't working....
So, Magnatom - get one ! Its mysterious powers may stop small black car drivers from trying to get you