Amy Winehouse

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Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
I don't particularly like her music (it's not really my thing) but I like the fact that a) by all accounts, her live gigs are anything but a sterile, over - slick rendition of her songs; i.e. they could be fantastic or rubbish or anywhere in between, and :biggrin: she's not seen as some awful "role model" type for the kids. Rock stars should take drugs and drink a lot - I know I will if I ever become famous outside of Herefordshire. In fact, I already do.;)


New Member
cannondale boy said:
Shes only got herself to blame for this one...don't like her, wouldn't buy her album because it sounds too much like her life story (which is damn right depressing). All the best for her when she leaves REHAB. :biggrin:

I heard a short snippet on the wireless long before all this blew up and, said performer stated that she exorcised a lot of her personal demons by writing about them and using them as song lyrics...If you listen to the words you'll soon realise that she's NOT the sort of girl you'd want to take home to Mum and Dad :cry::ohmy:

Chris James

Über Member
Abitrary said:
I think that people actually liking her music, is more liking the fact that they realise that they don't hate something they'd usually hate rather than actually liking it.

I think it's cack, and I hope she stays in rehab forever if we don't have to pretend to like it / listen to it anymore.

I have no idea what you're on about, but I think she is cack too.

Particularly her appalling version of Valerie.
Somebody on telly said "she looks like she's pi$$ed in more sinks than she's washed in." :ohmy:

I can't get that image out my head now and needed to share it.:cry:

I think she has a remarkable talent even though I don't like a lot of her stuff.


back and brave
I don't get it personally. I think she has a distinctive voice, a good voice even but not a great voice... at least, not that I've heard. And the songs don't do a lot for me. Whether she's a druggy/alcoholic is really irrelevant. I hope, for her sake, she gets herself the help she needs.

The overriding impression I get is one of laziness. Perhaps she has it in her to be great but, for me, she just doesn't put anything into it. There's no, er, soul I guess. But maybe that's the crux of it - we're supposed to read 'tortured soul' into her performance.
yello said:
I don't get it personally. I think she has a distinctive voice, a good voice even but not a great voice...

I saw her on Jools Holland's show, doing other peoples stuff and I thought she was excellent but i am unmoved by her albums.
Crackle said:
I saw her on Jools Holland's show, doing other peoples stuff and I thought she was excellent but i am unmoved by her albums.
When she gets her shoot together she has an awesome voice. She's also a fantastic songwriter, something that gets overlooked I think.


New Member
The combination of ami winehouse's gruff mewling *and* the ominous nail-biting possibility that jools holland could join in at any minute on boogie woogie piano would have given me a heart attack for certain.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I'm with Chuffy, she has a good voice and some great songs, a natural singer and performer... I like her albums and have been a fan for some years. Hope she sorts her shoot out and gets back on form soon.
Chuffy said:
When she gets her shoot together she has an awesome voice. She's also a fantastic songwriter, something that gets overlooked I think.

It wasn't just her voice though it was the whole performance. I forget the song she was doing but for 3 minutes she lived it and you believed it! Like FF says, a natural performer.

I'd'a quoted Abitrary but I wasn't sure if he was doing irony, sarcasm or obtuse!


New Member
I think she has marvellous norks.

You don't listen to the fire when you are ogling the mantelpiece.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
I saw 15 mins of one of her gigs on the telly and got the impression that she was a genuine musician as opposed to manufactured crap. Everything else I know about her comes from celeb media hype. I would hazard a guess that the demise of her husband combined with a successful rehab would be the best for her.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I don't know much about her, but i remember when she was on Buzzcocks that time and Simon Wassisname said something sarky and she said "Oh, Simon.." with a sort of tired, bored, sigh. And exactly that phrase and intonation that comes into my mind whenever simoncc starts a thread in Soapbox....:biggrin:
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