alchohol - how it effects your fitness level

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back and brave
I thought there'd be a better level of understanding and engagement with the article than some there demonstrated.

That's an unfair comment yello, even if I do say so myself! The majority of the comments do illustrate sensible debate... whatever that might be!

Dan B - you are right imo. Health is just one aspect of our lives. As is risk. I'd like to think we all take a balanced approach. That being dependant on the individuals' weightings of the many and various aspects; some like to play safe, others are thrill seekers.

I like attempts to take issues head on. That is, don't deny the 'damage' (depending on how you determine 'damage') of that beer, cake, fry up, ciggie, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc) Acknowledge and accept it as a possible (thought perhaps not inevitable) occurrence. Don't let it necessarily deter you but don't pretend it's not there either.

Cris S



ok here's the classic scenario that this week presents to me... (i go on my cycle trip next tuesday)... tomorrow = mum's 60th so i'll be at that celebration although will most probably drive (needless to add, not drink!). Friday night out to dinner with 7 good friends, Sat night out to dinner with 12 of my girlfriends mates. it's that kind of scenario i'm referring to really. i'd happily not go out drinking, but it's fun to socialise and when i'm out i'd rather drink a nice bottle of wine than drink endless soft drinks. it tastes nicer and is more fun. however, i'm also trying to get fit and the fitter i am and the less i drink, the less i then want to drink, the lower my tolerance to alchohol (and vice versa when i've had a lot of socialising). hopefully i'll be able to strike the right balance!!


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales

Interesting to see graphically on that site what the food calorie equivalent is.

eg I entered 5 glasses of wine which is about half a mans weekly recommended limit .That equates to a slice of pizza, a burger, an onion bahji and 2 jaffa cakes.

If I eat all that in the evening after my main meal I would feel like a pig and probably ill from the over eating yet after 5 glasses of wine I feel great.
Sneaky calories.


is anyone else a bit suspicious of the calorie counter things? lets say you drink a bottle of wine which i imagine is 5 small glasses (ish) now this may be the calorie equivalent of a burger a pizza etc etc but the fact is you aren't eating a burger and a pizza you are drinking a bottle of wine! so it must be totally different. therefore i don't really worry about the calories in drinks - i know i burn as many calories as i take in whatever i drink because i do loads of excercise. i just don't know to what extent i therefore fall short of my optimum fitness level as a result. that was very badly explained :-(


A Human Being
I find cycling negatively effects my drinking fitness - after 60 miles I'm a complete lightweight! :biggrin:

Or you could say it saves you a fortune as you get drunk faster, similar to when you first discovered alcohol.

Fiona N

There is no such thing as a safe level of alcohol consumption, says Prof David Nutt in The Guardian

Rather surprised by some of the comments in reply to the article though. I thought there'd be a better level of understanding and engagement with the article than some there demonstrated. It's me that's the fool, believing some kind of pre-conceived notion of Guardian readers!

OMG you have to laugh sometimes at the level of ignorance and stupidity demonstrated by comments posters on the Guardian's Comment is Free - it seems to bring out the Mail readers or something ;) Half the time you realise they haven't read the article, it's just knee-jerk posting. I always wonder, if it's like that on the Guardian C-i-F, what's it like on some of the less liberal newspaper websites?


back and brave
I really like that article. I found it well written and balanced.

It is isn't it. I actually wrote to Cycling Active at the time to praise the article. First time I've ever done such a thing, that's how impressed I was! I liked how 'unpreachy' it was too.


New Member
ithat's a massive amount. I have never drunk much and this year have virtually given up due to Ironman training. Luckily I can easily live without it (unlike cakes and snacks!).

I find one glass of wine the night before a long ride or other training session is noticeable

That is not massive at all, I used to drink 6-8 pints per night 7 days a week. Still manage to keep my weight at around 12 st and went fell walking at weekend. I guess everyone is different.
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