Albums Rediscovered

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Cynical idealist
Wow, I think she sounds superb on that album and the band are spot on.


Legendary Member
Can't Buy A Thrill - Steely Dan - is one I hadn't put on for a while, but listened to last night. All killer, no filler.
Wednesday night was spent working with Sweet Baby James (James Taylor) in the background. About the only track that doesn't work for me is the bluesy Steamroller, though it's quite clearly tongue-in-cheek.
Thanks for the reminder about Older, @wafter !

I had completely misunderstood Steely Dan when I was younger, and had written them off mostly until now. I've listened to most of the back catalogue recently, and certainly they've had ups and downs, but Aja seems to be the pinnacle, I'm not sure about Goucho yet, Katy Lied is solid.
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Cynical idealist
Donald Fagin was a perfectionist. Produced and polished. I did think his solo stuff was a bit samey though, good but formatted.


Legendary Member
I've been listening to the Steely Dan back catalogue on Spotify recently, I completely misunderstood Steely Dan when I was younger, and had written them off mostly until now. I've listened to most of the back catalogue recently, and certainly they've had ups and downs, but Aja seems to be the pinnacle, I'm not sure about Goucho yet, Katy Lied is solid.

I've found myself listening to Pretzel Logic a lot of late. Like you, I didn't get then when I was younger.

Donald Fagin was a perfectionist. Produced and polished. I did think his solo stuff was a bit samey though, good but formatted.

Indeed he is. He invited Mark Knopfler to guest on one album, but when Knopfler arrived in the studio they discovered he couldn't read music so couldn't (easily) do then parts Fagen had written for him. With that revelation they pretty much ignored the grest axeman for the whole session, and when they did actually speak to him they clashed badly. Knopfler eventually recorded 10 hours of guitar work, of which Fagen used 15 seconds.


I had completely misunderstood Steely Dan when I was younger, and had written them off mostly until now. I've listened to most of the back catalogue recently, and certainly they've had ups and downs, but Aja seems to be the pinnacle, I'm not sure about Goucho yet, Katy Lied is solid.

FM is one of my favourite songs of all time, this live version is just sublime!

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No Ta Doctor

Active Member
The Allman Brothers Band live at Fillmore East. I would have loved to have been at that gig.
Filmore West is my destination if you give me a time machine and one trip in it. Date: March 5, 6 and 7, 1971. Occasion: Aretha Franklin recording a live album, backed by King Curtis.

Meanwhile, on the Santana thing, my local allowed me to queue up about three hours of Santana 1,2 3, Moonflower etc today :wahhey:
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