Admit your ignorance - things you've only just realised/learned

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Chris S

Legendary Member
Pontefract is Latin for 'broken bridge'.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
The real - less than wholesome - theme of the Macarena (a song danced to by millions of small children thru the 90s):

"The song tells the story of a woman who cheats on her boyfriend, with his two friends, while he is off serving his country in the army."
Well that's pretty obvious from the actions ...

Chris S

Legendary Member
Jamie Foxx is black. I'd only ever heard his name on the radio and thought he was one of Edward Fox's sons.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I thought that fictional pirates wore eye patches due to losing an eye in a battle, either onboard their ship or on dry land, but no, according to what I've just heard on the radio they wore eye patches due to constantly going below deck then back on deck which meant their eyes didn't have time to adjust to either darkness or bright light, so they kept one eye covered for going below deck. Meaning the covered eye didn't need time to adjust to the darkness, so they just lifted the eye patch for perfect vision.🤔 Perfect that is if they weren't short sighted which would be a problem in those days as pirates didn't look right wearing glasses and they hadn't yet invented contact lenses either.🧐
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Legendary Member
I thought that fictional pirates wore eye patches due to losing an eye in a battle, either onboard their ship or on dry land, but no, according to what I've just heard on the radio they wore eye patches due to constantly going below deck then back on deck which meant their eyes didn't have time to adjust to either darkness or bright light, so they kept one eye covered for going below deck. Meaning the covered eye didn't need time to adjust to the darkness, so they just lifted the eye patch for perfect vision.🤔 Perfect that is if they weren't short sighted which would be a problem in those days as pirates didn't look right wearing glasses and they hadn't yet invented contact lenses either.🧐

Whilst I remain very skeptical about that story, after all, if true, we'd associate eye-patches with sailors in general, rather than specifically pirates, and it would have been standard issue for, say, naval boarding parties during the French wars.

Now that said, on a diving drip to Scapa flow, the skipper had lifted the hatch to the engine room to check on something and one of our group walking in from bright sunlight didn't see the hatch and dropped about 8 foot getting a spiral fracture of his ankle when he caught his foot on one of the steps (ie hoops welded to the bulkead). He may have been wearing reactolite glasses which wouldn't have helped. Kyboshed the rest of his week's diving to say the least. The skipper really should have put the chain across the doorway, but hadn't.


Über Member
pirate patch idea woudn't work for me, my eyes seem to work in unison even if one is closed

tried it a few years ago cycling at night, close one eye when passing an oncoming car, but even the eye that was shut seems to loose its night vision and needs the same time to recover as the eye that was left open -


Legendary Member
I'm reminded of the veteran sailor being asked about his wounds. "Well m'lad, I lost me aarm to a French cannonball fighting with Nelson at Trafalgar". "Did you lose your eye at Trafalgar too?" "No me lad, it was a week later. I had an itch, and ... well it was me first day with the hook"

Chris S

Legendary Member
I thought that fictional pirates wore eye patches due to losing an eye in a battle, either onboard their ship or on dry land, but no, according to what I've just heard on the radio they wore eye patches due to constantly going below deck then back on deck which meant their eyes didn't have time to adjust to either darkness or bright light, so they kept one eye covered for going below deck. Meaning the covered eye didn't need time to adjust to the darkness, so they just lifted the eye patch for perfect vision.🤔 Perfect that is if they weren't short sighted which would be a problem in those days as pirates didn't look right wearing glasses and they hadn't yet invented contact lenses either.🧐

That was on Steve Wright. He was just taking the piss.
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