ABC Towns and Villages

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13 rider

A short ride this morning due to the weather :rain: but had plans for S and T both near home . Got to Swithland to realise I'd left my phone/camera at home :banghead:.At least there near home and not 40 miles away
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Thank you @User9609 for such an entertaining thread. Today was my first solo outing for weeks so I took the opportunity to get started. Finishing may be years away!!!

rugby bloke

Definitely challenging weather on Saturday morning. I was already out of my comfort zone with the 40 mph gusts and that was before the hail started. A couple of big sideways moments when I thought I was heading to Northampton General. Having said that, when you were out of the wind and in the sun it was really very pleasant. Thanks to this thread I am out on my bike on days when I would have given it a miss. I've parked my V until I can have a jolly down to London, so just picked up my W today:



Legendary Member
[QUOTE 5568686, member: 9609"]It was originally inspired by the Agatha Christie's ABC Murders that was on TV at Xmas - I guess visiting villages and murdering people would be against site rules so thought I would settle for a photo instead.[/QUOTE]



After three weekends in a row where I've set out on the bike with the intention of bagging some more village signs and returned home empty each time (various reasons, from tiredness, to mechanical, to basic laziness to be honest), I finally have moved my count on and added N, O, P and Q to my list. As the last three on that list were also the ones that @CarlP did, I tried to make sure I photographed different signs to him, just to keep things fresh!

I do like the fact that despite the Pitchcott sign asking people to "Please drive carefully", someone has still managed to hit it with their car!

You will see that all of the sign photos were taken with a lovely blue sky in the background - this did not last! About ten miles after leaving Quainton, with an "R" village my next target, the sky got very dark and it started to rain, which then quickly progressed to hail! This was over fairly quickly as I only got the edge of the storm, but despite turning back towards home, unfortunately the clouds carried on following me and after another ten miles they caught up again and this time I caught it full on and had a proper hail storm which meant I had to stop cycling, as it was actually quite dangerous (low visibility on a busy road, not to mention the hail stinging my face). Once it had stopped I decided that I wasn't going to push it and would leave the "R" for another day - plus I'd already done 50 miles and didn't feel like adding on another (almost) 10 in wet clothes.
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