ABC Towns and Villages

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
You not going to grab M-Q next week with me then?

Get to Q and you will be in the lead. I am aiming to get Q in a couple of weeks as have a ride near a Q then. Unless I am inspired to ride out that way before then.

rugby bloke

A tad chilly out today, but thankfully bright sunshine and no ice. Was able to bag K:


For some reason the village has 2 signs. And L:


I also discovered that the car park at my cafe stop was not really compatible with 700 C tyres:


This was the only snow I came across though so no complaints. Cars were not allowed in the car park as it was untreated but bikes were allowed to take their chances !


Legendary Member
I missed the start of this ... and it's now well underway. Just to confirm, we each do our own sequence A, B, C etc. So it's not too late for me to start?

Correct, it's not a race, you have the rest of the year to complete.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I missed the start of this ... and it's now well underway. Just to confirm, we each do our own sequence A, B, C etc. So it's not too late for me to start?

Nah think of it as a quest rather than race. Pick your own villages to match the letters in sequence. Short or long rides, whatever you fancy. Don't worry if someone has already done the villages you pick, no rule saying two or more people can't use the same sign.
I've been quiet on here for a while - here's why. While out collecting my A, I also captured B and C but did not post because half way round the ride I got thinking. Yes, dangerous, I know! Why not do another ride where I can get B, C and D? And at the same time, start a weak, personal theme to this challenge. One of the things I love about being on the bike is pondering various possibilities in life.
So, a week later I went out for the B, C and D.

Barns Green.JPG

Next stop Dragons Green. A tiny hamlet but with a pub and a scout hut, but no sign!

Fast forward to sunday. Gorgeous day, no clouds, blue sky and -2°. Perfect day to collect my alternative D and get pictures of my non-existent D.

Dial Post.JPG

No proof that Dragons Green exists because about 5 km before I reached Dial Post I hit black ice on a tiny back road and came down heavily. Only superficial road rash, a torn base layer (under a winter jersey and jacket!) but painful nonetheless. So straight home. Importantly, bike is ok but it will be while before I go out for the E! (So @Dogtrousers - plenty of time to catch me up at least!) Also, as I was taking this image, the camera told me the batteries 'were exhausted', so did not know if this image was stored. The low temp must have drained them rapidly. (Note to self: take spares next time.)

Happy collecting letters folk, ride with care.
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