So I went for a ride, did a little over 10 miles in 51 mins... and my legs are knackered! As I said earlier in this thread somewhere, its really hilly where I live. As an example today's ride had an elevation gain of 865 ft over 10 mile.
Have to say strava rules! fellow noobs if your thinking of getting a computer for your bike and have a smart phone, I wouldn't bother with the bike computer. Maybe get a cheap speedo if you like to know how fast your going and spend the rest on something you really need. I have a cateye double wireless and only use it as a speedo really. You get everything that the computer does and a lot more with strava. i also bought cycle meter before I found strava and that's good but the social element of strava is brilliant and challenging yourself and friends to become KOM really pushes you to ride harder.
Anyway back to the point - Is that a lot of up hill or are the majority of riders slogging it out up really big hills every time they go Riding?
I do also have a totally flat route through the village I live near and back again, i did it 4 times the other day and clocked up 16 miles without realising I'd gone that far.
Could anyone explain what advantage riding on the flats has compared to slogging it out up hills? Im thinking flats for stamina and good cadence and hills for strength and power????