A ride posted by an old club mate

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Eh up
Most I've ever done is a little over 100
Me too just enough to make sure I top 100 but not much more.
Turns out he was not alone but with another old club mate, both in their early 60s
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Kilometre nibbler
I managed about half that distance once (when I was a lot fitter than I am now). Similar area, similar terrain. It took me 25hr. Moving speed was significantly slower than that. I've never, even at my fittest, been able to maintain anything like 15mph/ 25kmh moving over any significant distance. I no longer aspire to such distances. Just too painful.


Senior Member
Tampa Fl
Cute, but no, I meant 'together'. It's a close relationship is people who go out to do these things. Not like us ordinary folk.
Both Kurt and Alicia as well as Amanda have raced my races in Texas.
However, let's all get back to acknowledging the original poster's friend's extraordinary achievement, and leave this sort of minutia out of it.

Amanda never raced in Texas.
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