A ride posted by an old club mate

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Kilometre nibbler
Blimey, I've just realised it's in miles. I glanced at it and assumed that, like most long distance cycling things, it would be in km. I thought well, if a useless old git like me can do a 400, then 500 shouldn't be too hard for a proper cyclist.

Now I see it's miles. Ah. That's about 800km.

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Yeah, its not like you see any other examples of drafting other vehicles in cycling. :crazy:
I was always suspicious about the claim. Kurt Servogal rode something similar ( I believe they were 'together'). I prefer empirical and ajudicated evidence. Most if not all of these rides by Amanda were unobserved. Which is not to say that both of these riders were not magnificent cyclists, they were, but to ride everyday for a year for no other reason than to claim a record is to my mind a bit on the obsessive side of things.
On his ride, Kurt switched from standard to recumbents and there is some suggestion he was 'drafting' another vehicle some of the time.
Full disclosure: I know Kurt and Amanda and they have raced my race in Texas.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
wasn't that the one who basically rode around a flat park all day every day ? im not saying it is not a magnificent achievement although i remember there being a bit of an uproar about it at the time .

She rode it as per the rules applicable. Why people get so upset about someone riding to the rules god only knows. The circuit you referred to was much later into her attempt. The USA attempts moved around to suit the seasons and weather.
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
there is some suggestion he was 'drafting' another vehicle some of the time.

Seems unlikely given the requirements for the record attempts including live tracking, heart rate, power etc. Plus the consequences of breaking the rules. I was in the support crew for Steve Abraham (UK) who was attempting the record same year as Kurt. Steve went on to attempt it a further two times.

I’d suggest someone is trolling you with this suggestion.
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Kilometre nibbler
But back to the OP. The fact that there have been a small handful of people who have set phenomenal annual records doesn't make this 800k ride any less impressive.

500 mikes (810ish km) at a moving average of 15mph (circa 25kmh) is really something.


Active Member
As if you don't have anything better to read, here is something else:


Active Member
But back to the OP. The fact that there have been a small handful of people who have set phenomenal annual records doesn't make this 800k ride any less impressive.

500 mikes (810ish km) at a moving average of 15mph (circa 25kmh) is really something.

Yup, outstanding.


Active Member
Seems unlikely given the requirements for the record attempts including live tracking, heart rate, power etc. Plus the consequences of breaking the rules. I was in the support crew for Steve Abraham (UK) who was attempting the record same year as Kurt. Steve went on to attempt it a further two times.

I’d suggest someone is trolling you with this suggestion.

Seems unlikely given the requirements for the record attempts including live tracking, heart rate, power etc. Plus the consequences of breaking the rules
Not so. WUCA have found a new life since taking over from UMCA and have determined to tighten race record attempts to become more meaningful. No more just saying I'm making a record attempt.
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Active Member
No, I think you're probably getting Amanda Coker mixed up with Alicia Searvogel (formerly Alicia Snyder)

Both begin and end with A

Cute, but no, I meant 'together'. It's a close relationship is people who go out to do these things. Not like us ordinary folk.
Both Kurt and Alicia as well as Amanda have raced my races in Texas.
However, let's all get back to acknowledging the original poster's friend's extraordinary achievement, and leave this sort of minutia out of it.
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Legendary Member
But back to the OP. The fact that there have been a small handful of people who have set phenomenal annual records doesn't make this 800k ride any less impressive.

500 mikes (810ish km) at a moving average of 15mph (circa 25kmh) is really something.

Yes awesome achievement, far beyond my own desire and capability!!! Chapeau to them.

Mind you my OH would be very interested in the 24ft per mile stat, our usual rides are around the 50-ish and she has been known to object violently when it gets anywhere near 100, although has survived one at 137.5, relatively unscathed.
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