It's good to see that the diet's working.I'm thinking of getting a mask and a cape and becoming an avenging super hero...
The Jogger!
View attachment 392151

It's good to see that the diet's working.I'm thinking of getting a mask and a cape and becoming an avenging super hero...
The Jogger!
View attachment 392151
Not only pavement parking but grass verge parking,which is even worse to an extent. Nice grass verges cut up by lazy sods who just drive over them or park on them,then leave big unsightly tyre tracks. They even do this in the local cemetery even though the man who works there has put bollards and boulders down to try to protect the turf.
I'm thinking of getting a mask and a cape and becoming an avenging super hero...
The Jogger!
View attachment 392151
@The Jogger , Oy Roy!The Jogger
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In Bristol, the council re-landscaped this to make it a bit more attractive:
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This was the state it was in about two days after the Heras fencing came down ...Grrrrr. A week later, I saw a cop putting warning notices on cars.
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They use the disabled access ramp too....
Those pictures are about two years old. Since they were taken, more cycle parking has been provided so that vehicles can no longer drive to toward the bus shelter in the right of photo 2. But you can still drive up to the left of the electricity sub station and even across the grass although no-one seems to have done that recently and the tyre ruts have all but gone as in the first picture. Still not perfect as there are usually two or three cars parked up.It needs the council to go down after they are all parked up and install more bollards to block them in.
I'm thinking of getting a mask and a cape and becoming an avenging super hero...
The Jogger!
View attachment 392151
LOL Rich, my cover is blown.@The Jogger , Oy Roy!
That's an easy one. Don't step on the road, scramble across the bonnet. That should teach an important lesson.Bit of a revival but 2 I've come across recently the Audi this morning, teacher who couldn't be arsed to pull into the car park this is a main A road you had to step put into
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