A new beginning for a big fella!!!

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I echo a lot of the statements above, and from experience it's consistency over infrequent long distances.

Doing just a small mileage a day (for me that is ten miles) effects my weight and fitness far more than going out for that twice a week long distance push, so don't underestimate those short starting miles or be tempted to drop them off in favour of infrequent long mileage.

Weather is fantastic for it too right now.
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Good on you and good luck ! I started riding 2 weeks ago and I am already losing weight and loving it :smile:


Active Member
Good luck mate. I'm about 5 weeks into my diet and cycling and am down well over 2 stones now. I want to lose a great deal more, so there is a long, long way to go but I'm feeling very positive about it.

I've done all the fad diets before and always get great results followed by weight gain (as soon as I stop). The thing I keep telling myself is that is doesn't have to be all or nothing - its just about small changes. For instance, I used to almost slice, rather than spread, butter onto my toast. Loved the stuff. But I've weaned myself off it completely. Its amazing to think about how many calories that saves over a week, month or year. It's a staggering amount and its only a little change. A few more things like that coupled with some regular miles on your fantastic new bike will see you losing weight properly.

A guy where I live, who does Triathlons and Iron Man events, was chatting to me about my cycling and he said "just think, the ride you just did is likely to be as hard as its ever going to be for you. Every pound you lose will make that ride easier". He's right too, in 5 weeks I have improved immeasurably, both in pace, hill climbs and general fitness.

It's early days, but believe me, if I can give it a good go then anyone can.

I look forward to reading about your progress mate.



Active Member
Well yesterday i finally got out for a night ride, bit worrying to be honest lol as i was going down country lanes etc, but i was with 6 others so all was good, loads of support and help, but loved it, to be honest i was out on the Scott, and not the cannondale so a little safer, but below are my results, roll on next tuesday


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In Disguise!
SW Wales
I do a naturist ride in York, and believe me there are people of all sizes, it doesn't bother them and they are naked, so size shouldn't be an issue, as has been said you are doing something to get fitter, people bigger than me are fitter than me and some less so are not so fit, it is fitness at the end of the day that is important, by the way I am 6ft and about 78Kg's (12st3lb I think) dont really take much notice.
Regarding the 105 kit I had a choice Tiagra or 105 difference of about £30 for shifters FD chain and cassette and after much diliberation (as I have very little money) I went for it, and whilst I can't say I am any faster yet I did set 28p.b's on strava on Sunday and find my riding much smoother being in the right gear is so much easier, I upgraded from some old 9sp sora thumb shifter as the right shifter failed on me, as for spd's again a great move they are just so natural, I have some A520's that don't look too bad on the bike better than the A530 I had, all I have to do now is get a decent frame, next year maybe.
Well I never! lol Seriously never knew they did naturist rides.. not sure my girlie bits (rhyming see what I did there..) would cope well with no support on a ride! lol

Well yesterday i finally got out for a night ride, bit worrying to be honest lol as i was going down country lanes etc, but i was with 6 others so all was good, loads of support and help, but loved it, to be honest i was out on the Scott, and not the cannondale so a little safer, but below are my results, roll on next tuesday

What a great thread this is gonna be, awesome bike and incentive to get out. Glad you got a ride in and enjoyed. Looks like a good distance too. :smile:

I bought a jalopy version of a bike (for £20 - see thread further down) but even though I'm overweight (medication and crap eating for a year put on weight and I have never been slim), on medication still that causes weight gain , I got out there even in daylight. Someone once told me (I competed as a powerlifter and had nerves starting a new gym of all things).. that if you walk in there, smile at anyone who looks your way and pretend you own the place, no one will give you a second glance, as they're all too busy doing their own thing.. and it's so true I have found in other aspects of life.

So OWN IT! Smile and be proud, you're making a difference and enjoying! Sounds like you're gonna do great.. hoping to tag along with you (on me old jalopy).


The unlikely Cyclist
@Hunterforce Well done on the ride buddy, Losing weight is the easy bit for me, keeping it off is my real problem:banghead: and I ride anything from 10 to 100+ miles a week and anything up to 50+ miles in a single ride. Keep at it and don't worry about what some may think, There are many big lads n lasses out there giving it a go and respect to them all for doing it.:cheers:


climbs for cake
Thats half the issue with me, it's the embarrassment of it lol silly i know, but it just iis, so sick of it now hence the decision to do something about it all, thank you all for your kind comments

i think the embarrassment is in your head. back in the olden days i guess it was embarrassing to be seen out running or biking in lycra, but times have changed. I expect that i'm not the thinnest guy or the fittest guy, but these days most people are understanding that someone is trying to make a lifestyle change. You maybe a big guy now.....but your not prepared to except it, be proud of what your trying to achieve and other people will get on your side and help. I'm 5'8" and 15 stone.......I wear full lycra when running and cycling......I'm not embarrassed, i'm proud for putting up a fight. Sorry got deep there.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JnYcuRW_qo

watch this for inspiration

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
Well done Hunterforce on a great start, good choice of bike, ( I changed my wheels )
Be comfortable with going clipless don't rush at it, but do get the right saddle and saddle height sorted and some padded shorts, then you will be well on your way.


Active Member
Thanks guys for all the support, really means a lot to me, well Tuesday im out again, and gonna see if i can get some time on the turbo before hand, just waiting for my Cree xm-l lights now wooop wooop


In Disguise!
SW Wales
Thanks guys for all the support, really means a lot to me, well Tuesday im out again, and gonna see if i can get some time on the turbo before hand, just waiting for my Cree xm-l lights now wooop wooop
Good luck for tomorrow.
My bike has new parts arriving - chain, tyres etc to be done so she might be in pieces for my planned ride on Wednesday, was going to get a ride in today too but will have to see if tyres arrive first as gotta stay in for them. :smile:
as @fossyant says, regular riding, I will ride into town its just a mile or to the hospital on Friday mornings 5 miles and then anything up to 50 miles (though usually about 30 miles) 2 to 3 days out of 4.

Suffolk Cycling

Active Member
Nice to see you're still at it! Like you, I am slightly heavier than required and took up cycling to bring the weight (and blood pressure) down. I write a lot about it on my cycling blog, so you might find a lot of stuff on there sounds familiar :reading:


Well done ! I can't offer any advice being a newbie to cycling, but I'm also losing weight (down to 110 Kg from 127Kg at the end of June)
I'm doing light weight training at home for the upper body, have a cross-trainer behind my desk and have just bought a bike (first one for over 30 years)
I'm diabetic, and decided to finally take it seriously so decided to follow a low carb-high fat diet.Works brilliantly, my blood sugar is pretty much normal now and hdl/ldl ratio much improved.
Hard to believe when I've gone from low fat stuff to using butter and double cream every day :smile:
All I have to do is avoid bread, rice, pasta, spuds etc. but because I can eat pork chops with the fat on, clotted cream etc. it's easy !


Well-Known Member
as @fossyant says, regular riding, I will ride into town its just a mile or to the hospital on Friday mornings 5 miles and then anything up to 50 miles (though usually about 30 miles) 2 to 3 days out of 4.

I was lazy last week and didn't get out at all Mon-Fri partly due to crappy weather partly due to just making excuses. My 45 miler on Sunday was lovely despite strong headwinds in places but I was really stiff yesterday and still feel a bit stiff today. Out tonight to stretch those legs and again on Thursday in prep for a new 50 miler on Sunday.
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