Why would someone would want a kickstand anyway? Theres always somewhere to lean the bike against unless you are cycling through the desert?
So now you're calling Norfolk a desert?
It's not that unusual to have no roadside trees, signposts or telegraph poles for miles and I'm not wading across a river to get to them... I sometimes want to change my clothing or fix something on the bike and lying the bike down is just wrong.
Even in towns, leaning the bike against stuff (especially cycle parking stands) scratches it up, plus it's a lot more difficult (but not impossible) for a bike to fall off a good stand than to fall over while leant against something - especially in crowded cycle parks, your bike is a lot more likely to be knocked over by people moving other bikes near it if it's leaning rather than stood.
That said, I am fairly careful to make sure the length is set correctly to reduce the load on the stand and to take the bike off the stand during loading/unloading of heavy bags (to avoid a lopsided load tipping the bike) and I wouldn't fit one of those chainstay-crusher ones again. If a bike doesn't have a plate for a centre stand or some other fixing, I'd probably fit an axle-mounted one or at least a near-axle one.