A horse stamped on my bike!

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Cake connoisseur
Common courtesy and manners cost absolutely nothing, and sadly my experience has made me realise that the horsey world can be very bitchy and attract some right characters (always female) and before any female riders on here slate me this is just my opinion, formed from my experience.
Overall I agree it can be incredibly bitchy, but think the female side of it just reflects that at a certain level, there are far more women involved in horse-riding. I've met some horrible, arrogant blokes as well - I worked as a groom in a showjumping yard for a while, never again!


Legendary Member
I'd hate this to get into a "cyclists good, riders bad" orgy. My OP was more about replacement bike than the incient itself.

I've never had a bad experience with riders/horses before, but am prepared to bet that regular riders in the area have had problems with inconsiderate or unthinking cyclists.

Thus, things panned out in a way none of us would have wished - I'm content to write it off as experience and move on - hey, i have an excuse to buy a new bike and the balance of a recent Smidsy payout to cover the cost.

So, back on topic: Anyone have or have views on a Whyte 901?


Just my two pennorth worth as a cyclist, and as a horserider with a very large, easily spooked and unpredictable boy(which does limit where i ride him) It seems obvious to me that the riders attitude is at fault here, and its a shame she could not be traced as people like her continue to give horseriders a bad name. Common courtesy and manners cost absolutely nothing, and sadly my experience has made me realise that the horsey world can be very bitchy and attract some right characters (always female) and before any female riders on here slate me this is just my opinion, formed from my experience.
The horse is not at fault here, there instincts are so much more finely-tuned than ours and as the saying goes "whats in the brain goes straight down the rein"....he was probably picking up on the noutiness of his rider :biggrin:

Got it in a nutshell, Lisa. I hate bitches who ride horses..... just don t tell the wife eh ! :whistle:


Banned member
South West
I cycled into the rear end of a horse! I was going past it on NCN route.... near Norwich, just got next to it and it spooked and went sideways so I hit the rear end. Didn't get shoot on my face though.
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